
Tea type
Herbal Tea
Black Pepper, Ginger, Lemon Peel, Lemongrass, Licorice Root, Peppermint
Lemongrass, Licorice, Mint, Peppercorn
Sold in
Tea Bag
Caffeine Free
Fair Trade
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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From We Are Tea

We all have mornings we’d rather forget after nights out we can’t remember and when pulling a sick day is not an option, you’ll be pleased to hear that we’ve come up with a tea to help you get through the day. Revitealise is designed to give your body and brain the necessary boost to get them back to full working order. We can however, only do so much, the bags under your eyes, the hair stuck to your face and the odd socks are your problem.

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2 Tasting Notes

681 tasting notes

Sipdown 108/395

I’m cheating a bit since I didn’t actually drink this recently, but I did go through the entire pack of teabags and I have no idea where my last one went. Maybe I drank it and forgot to say, or maybe it’ll turn up one day and then I’ll give it a proper write up. For now I’m just updating my cupboard to say I don’t have this any more. My dad bought me these for Christmas back when I was first getting into tea, and it was probably one of the first of these types of herbals I tried. I remember it being fairly heavy on the lemongrass and pepper, with some sweetness from the liquorice. It would probably be great for me right now getting over this cold…

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1379 tasting notes

I received the EU-TTB back today and I wish to thank everyone that took part in the second round. There will be a third round to be set up in a few months time so keep your eyes open. This tea is my first sample since the box returned.

I’m finally starting to watch Sherlock and I have to admit I thoroughly enjoyed the first episode. It’s like House MD but crime scenes/cases rather than a doctor. The intellect and wit is awesome! I shall be watching the second episode while I sip this. (Ok the start of episode 2 there is a Yixing Teapot….I just giggled like a school girl and clapped my hands).

The bag is nice and clear, I can instantly spot lemongrass. Once steeped flavour is light and sweet citrus with high pepper notes. Rather fragrant with a nice sweet and spicy affair. As it cools I can taste a little licorice in the after taste, makes the lemongrass taste more refreshing, as does the mint though they are subtle.

I liked it but honestly it’s nothing special, I feel bad saying that as the ingredients taste nice and fresh but I suppose I’m trying to say that flavour wise it isn’t memorable.

Flavors: Lemongrass, Licorice, Mint, Peppercorn

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec
Jillian 11 years ago

Well House MD is also based off of Sherlock Holmes so it does make sense that if you enjoyed one show you’d also like the other. ;)

MzPriss 11 years ago


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