Cui Feng High Mountain Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Cream, Floral, Fruity, Melon, Orchid, Papaya, Sweet, Vegetal, Citrus, Cookie, Grass, Herbaceous, Honeysuckle, Orange Blossom, Peach, Apple, Citrusy, Freshly Cut Grass, Green, Honeydew, Lemongrass, Orchids
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Edit tea info Last updated by Daylon R Thomas
Average preparation
Boiling 6 g 4 oz / 120 ml

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From Wang Family Tea

Location: Cui Feng Mountain(翠峰山)

Cultivar: Qingxin Wulong(青心烏龍)

Garden Elevation: 1700m

Season: Winter 2018

Roast Level: Unroasted

Harvest Style: Hand picked

The tea has passed the pesticide residual inspection by SGS Company.

Starting with a visual inspection of the tea leaves. We see that the leaves are medium in size, tightly curled, and have a wonderful verdant green color to them. There is a light sweet aroma to the dry leaves. After giving the tea a quick rinse, we are rewarded by an enhanced aroma of sweetness that is joined by a strong aroma of freshly cut grass. Moving on to the first round of brewing, we start to see the true character of this tea.

The tea liquor is as clear as glass, and has the color of citrine. The aroma of this tea continues to sweeten. The previously mentioned aroma of freshly cut grass gives way to the more refined, elegant fragrance of orchids. The taste of this tea is a perfect reflection of the teas aroma, sweet, with the enchanting taste of orchids. The aftertaste of this tea has that distinctive orchid sweetness that grows stronger with time.

The second round of brewing brings more changes to this teas character. While the tea maintains its aroma and taste of sweet orchids, a lighter, more bright character of florality starts to come through. Upon sipping the tea, you’ll notice that the texture of the tea has become softer, and rounder. We feel that this tea has a comforting feeling in the mouth and throat. Very smooth.

The third round kicks up the sweetness. The florality introduced in the last round starts to become more dominant. The aftertaste is also stronger. It now lingers for quite a while.

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4 Tasting Notes

166 tasting notes

First of seven samples from Wang Family Tea (WFT). Everyone seems to ooh and ahh over this company, so I wanted to check them out for myself. I am quite impressed with this tea! It’s incredibly refined, clean, and elegant.

No bitterness or astringency. Medium-high sweetness. Aftertaste is long and sweet, lastnig 1-2 minutes at least. ONLY downside is it doesn’t have the greatest longevity in the world. Intensity dropped off after the first 2-3 infusions, but it was still very good. Lasted 6-7 infusions. Might fool around with temperature, steep times, and intervals on future sessions :).

This tea is from Cui Feng, which is a mountain in the Li Shan area, but not Li Shan itself.

I am very excited to try the rest of the samples I got! This one is pretty phenomenal! I could sit there and smell it for hours on end. Some of the most complete and prettiest leaves I’ve seen too. This is a great value as well, coming in around $0.50/g.

Harvest: Spring 2023
Location: Cui Feng, Nantou County
Elevation: 1800 m
Cultivar: Qing Xin

Dry leaf: Papaya, cream.
Wet leaf: Vegetal, floral, orchid.
Flavors: Sweet, cream, floral, fruity, orchid, citrus, melon.

Flavors: Cream, Floral, Fruity, Melon, Orchid, Papaya, Sweet, Vegetal

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435 tasting notes

This is part of the High Mountain Experience Set I bought from Wang back in 2021, and I wanted to try this tea before it became eligible for a spot in my tea museum. I haven’t had many Cui Feng oolongs. Of the two I can remember, one was not that great and the other was very floral. I steeped 6 g of leaf in a 120 ml porcelain teapot using boiling water for 55, 45, 55, 65, 75, 90, 120, 180, and 240 seconds, plus a few uncounted steeps.

The dry aroma is of orchids, cookies, cream, and grass. The first steep has notes of orchids, cookies, cream, honeysuckle, other florals, and grass, with faint peach in the aftertaste. Orchids continue to be the dominant flavour in the second steep, with cookies, grass, cream, citrus, peach, and other florals in the background. This tea is quite sweet. The next couple steeps have lots of orchid, honeysuckle, orange blossom, grass, cream, citrus, peach, and something I’ll call woodsiness that also recently appeared in their Alishan. Steeps five and six are a bit more grassy, though with plenty of orchids, other florals, cream, and fruit. The next few steeps become even more grassy and a bit vegetal, though I still get orchids, cream, and sweet florals. The final long steeps are floral, grassy, herbaceous, and vegetal.

This tea measures up to Wang’s high standards, though I was a bit distracted by all the grass. Steeping it in my clay pot highlighted its grassy aspects and toned down the fruit, which is why I prefer it in porcelain. The sweet florals and hints of fruit make up for any downsides, and like other teas from this vendor, it has good longevity. This isn’t my favourite tea from Wang, but I’d highly recommend it.

Flavors: Citrus, Cookie, Cream, Floral, Grass, Herbaceous, Honeysuckle, Orange Blossom, Orchid, Peach, Sweet, Vegetal

Boiling 6 g 4 OZ / 120 ML
Daylon R Thomas

They have a 15% off sale. Really contemplating on getting more of the Jasmine Oolong, but I’m also interested in the Lishan Competition and the GuiFei…


Yeah, I saw that and was tempted, but I have way too much oolong. I think that Lishan Competition oolong is roasted, but the Gui Fei and Red Jade sound good.

Daylon R Thomas

It’s lightly roasted. That’s why I’m on the border. I’d love a sample, but I’m not sure if I could commit to 75 grams of it.


Yes, 75 grams is a lot. If only this sale was a few months from now when my oolong stash will be less extensive! I’m tired of opening tea that’s already a year old or more.

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1723 tasting notes

Sipdown, and bumping up the rating. It was super refreshing, floral, fruity, and creamy this morning. Crystaline defines how clean this tea is. I cannot recommend this one enough.

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