Niagara River Blend

Tea type
Black Tea
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Jam, Strawberry
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3 Tasting Notes View all

From Victoria's Teas and Coffees

Hints of maple and strawberry combined with Ceylon and malty Assam give a round full cup.

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3 Tasting Notes

16967 tasting notes

Sipdown (128/135)!

Well, I cold brewed this sample from VariaTEA so I could finish it in one go, and because I knew it had stawberry in it and I thought that might be nice cold brewed. I’m wondering now if I should have had it hot though? It’s not that it was unpleasant, it just was completely unremarkable and average.

Pretty much is was an ok black base (no distinguishing flavours/characteristics) with a mellow “strawberry jam” type flavour to it. The maple in this was completely missing: like a lot of shitty fathers it seems it packed its bags and slipped out in the dead of night thinking no one would notice, but its absence was definitely felt.

Oh well; another blend tried but also another that wont be missed.

Flavors: Jam, Strawberry


LULZ @ the deadbeat dad simile

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15588 tasting notes

Another tea from variaTEA to be honest this one was a miss for me. It just tasted like a bland black tea with some sort of vague flavouring. I didn’t really get maple or strawberry out of this one :( oh well, another tea of the list of ALL THE TEAS!

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6444 tasting notes

I have shared this with a couple people now but so far it seems I am the first to try it (or at least the first to review it). I was excited to try this because I have often seen blueberry and maple but never strawberry and maple and those are two flavors that tend to call to me when I see them in blends. Consequently, I had high hopes for this that unfortunately it just doesn’t seem to be meeting. In my first sip, I got a nice dose of strawberry but that flavor has escaped me more and more with each subsequent sip. At times it resurfaces for a moment while in other instances I get a bit of an almost medicinal berry flavor which is just not pleasant. As for maple, I am not getting any, which seems to be the case with most maple teas (aside from Steam Tea House’s Organic Maple Seduction). Ultimately, the base really overwhelms the rest of the components. Thankfully it is neither bitter nor astringent but it also is not the greatest black tea I have had either. I will be sure to play around with the parameters to see if I can coax out the strawberry/maple but for now this is just alright.


Do they get their tea from Metropolitan? I know they have a strawberry maple one called 1776.


I have no idea tbh but I wouldn’t be surprised

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