ZO81: Premium Tie-Guan-Yin

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Oolong Tea Leaves
Not available
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Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Laura Mae
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 0 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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From Upton Tea Imports

From Fujian province, this selection has a lovely orchid floral aroma, with notes of chestnuts and light fig/raisin hints. The liquor is full-bodied, even with multiple infusions. The finish is clean and lightly sweet.

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2 Tasting Notes

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27 tasting notes

Can I — someone who spends much of her time writing and reviewing performance evaluations for humans, and someone who has never been “taught” how to evaluate tea — rate a single tea as a 100? I’m thinking maybe.

My favorite part of this tea is how well it holds up to multiple steeps, but still keeps its flavor and aroma. It’s relatively forgiving, steep it for 30s, steep it for 3 min… no biggie, the flavor will be different, but to me it’s still delicious. If I do a <1min steep the first time, there’s some floral and spicy and a tiny twinge of earthy. But that still leaves some of those flavors in there for the next steep, since the leaves won’t be fully unfurled. For me, a longer initial steep results in a sweeter, rounder, complex and more amazing first steep. I can breathe the aroma for days and never get tired of it. While drinking it at work, I can attend meetings and listen to vendors and feel so… detached and zen. I like all of the greener TGY I’ve tried — sweet with a bit of fruit — but this one has just enough nutty and enough of that tiny hint of spice/earth — and lasts thru resteepings — that this one has stood out among the ones I’ve tried so far.

The company also is easy to deal with. They have samples available of just about all the teas they offer (and they offer about 500, I think). They ship quickly, and things arrive prompt and safe. Their teas and accessories are a bit no-nonsense, but everything I’ve ordered has been quality.

Since this is everything I want from a tea right now, and it comes to about $0.42 per big-ish mug (which I get multiple infusions from), I’m giving it full marks.

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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