Iyerpadi Estate Nilgiri BOP (TN64) Organic

Tea type
Black Tea
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5 Tasting Notes View all

From Upton Tea Imports

A rich tea with solid body and full mouth feel. A pleasing, balanced cup with a classic Nilgiri flavor and style.

Steeping Suggestions: -
Leaf Quantity: 2¼ g/cup
Water Temp: 212° (boiling)
Steep Time: 3 min.

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5 Tasting Notes

3011 tasting notes

Good morning, all. I’m about halfway through this Upton sample packet, and I like it little better than I did at first. This morning’s cup has a little sweet pastry character to it.

Or maybe it’s just a pastry craving. After 48 hours of weather-induced anxiety and halfheartedly gnawing on fast food in various basements the past couple evenings, I’m hungry! (And safe, for which I am much more grateful. Son and husband are threatening to sell our worldly goods and move to a cave.)

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Hesper June 12 years ago

So glad you and your family are safe!

Ysaurella 12 years ago

that’s good news gmathis

yyz 12 years ago

Glad the crisis is over.

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

Glad to hear you guys survived the night! That was some wild weather last night, eh?

tea-sipper 12 years ago

I’m happy to hear things are better for you guys now!

gmathis 12 years ago

Terri, how close did it get to you? Is it very floody up there? I had to wade to the clothesline in mud this afternoon.

Kittenna 12 years ago

i was watching news coverage of the tornadoes while they were occurring last night… scary stuff. Glad to see people safe (and posting)!

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6768 tasting notes

Infuses quite dark brown. It has a mysterious aroma…I can’ quite put my finger (or nose) on it! It’s just a slight whiff of something. Chestnuts, maybe? Some kind of wood? Not sure…


This is rich yet balanced. It’s of medium strength for a black tea….maybe a bit on the lighter side of medium, actually.

There is an inkling of nuttiness at the very beginning of the sip and then it fades away.

This is pretty good!

gmathis 12 years ago

Have a sample of that waiting for me to use up a couple ka-dillion half-opened, half-used, half-drunk-up packets before I open it. Sounds like it’ll be worth the wait.

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4843 tasting notes


Thank you TeaEqualsBliss for sending me a sampling of this Nilgiri … a tasty tea! Malty, rich, nicely round taste. Sweet, smooth, and a little bit earthy.


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