Time to try one from my Upton order! I admit, I chose a pouch at random… All of the pouches are identical with a small white label that tells you the tea name. However, this makes no difference to me as I just ordered mostly a bunch of different Assams and Ceylons, and I don’t remember the differences between them. So, random it is! This is a Ceylon from Tea Bank Estate. I was expecting a much smaller leaf size since this is a Broken Orange Pekoe, but the leaves are actually on par with other Ceylon teas I’ve tried. Dry scent is rich and strong on the molasses.
Mm, the steeped tea smells sweet, malty, and rich with raisin and molasses notes. Yum! The flavor is also deep and rich with a very strong molasses presence. The mouthfeel is thick and smooth, and I’m not noticing much astringency here. I can also taste syrupy dried fruits such as fig, date, and raisin. Yum, overall this is rich and intense with lovely sweet notes. There’s a little bit of astringency, but no bitterness.
Flavors: Dates, Fig, Malt, Molasses, Raisins, Smooth, Sweet, Thick
Liked for use of the word “mollifying”