Orange Spice Imperial Blend TE82

Tea type
Black Tea
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Clove, Orange
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Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 14 oz / 414 ml

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From Upton Tea Imports

From Upton’s website:

Generously scented black tea, with cinnamon, orange peel, vanilla bean, and a bit of clove.
black tea, citrus peels, cloves, vanilla bits, artificial flavor

Steeping Suggestions: –
Leaf Quantity: 2¼ g/cup
Water Temp: 212º (boiling)
Steep Time: 4 min.

The labeling on the container says “Imperial Black Tea: Orange Spice Blend”. Looking for this tea on Steepster, I saw Mellow Spice Blend #471 from Upton, which seems to be a similar product no longer available from their site.

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10 Tasting Notes

390 tasting notes

NOPE! a ‘little’ clove my…. backside! i get no orange, no vanilla- not even any tea…. all i get is clove!!!.

a lovely thought MissB, maybe my sample was just out of balance. that said i am not finishing this cup. )=0(


man, this seriously made me laugh out loud.


i like clove too! but HOLY COW!


I think you mean ‘holy clove’ there, batman. :)


holy SMOKIN’ cloves, batgirl! lol.


Awesome! :D


i could also go the route of gollum: ‘it BUUUUUURNS us preciousssss!’.


Smokin’ cloves. Smokin’ cloves?! Methinks Upton slipped in some crushed up Djarums into the mix.


OKAY, not going to lie, had to look up ‘djarums’, lol. could very well be. i would concur.


It’s ok, unless you are/were a goth or hipster, or associate with them, or are so clove-obsessed that you need to get that clove fix to your bloodstream more quickly than ingesting, no one really does know about them.


the most i know about cloves is that they are used naturopathically to deaden nerves in the dermal layer (as well as the tongue apparently) in tiger balm. =0) and that it burns like a very rude word if you recklessly scrub your eyes after you apply it.


Oh yeah, I’ve chewed on whole cloves in the past to soothe a sore throat. Do they ever numb EVERYTHING.


yeah, apparently clove oil is good when you have a toothache…

Fjellrev, djarums! that takes me back. warm fuzzies thinking of my reckless early 20s.


I think that’s why David’s Sugar and Spice kind of weirded me out. As much as I love clove, it reminded me so much of the experimental whole clove lozenge days.


ifjuly, seriously! Especially Djarum blacks. Like smoking four cigarettes at a time. Whew, are they strong.


ifjuly and Fjellrev…. so outside my experience, lol!!!

your dialogue makes me wonder: who would make a djarum tigerbalm cross tea and call it ‘orange spice’?


Oh wow, Djarum…I haven’t heard that word since my goth days in high school, err, a while ago.

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15618 tasting notes

sipdown! same as the other upton tea….really something i enjoy more for winter, so take that for what it’s worth. :)

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6768 tasting notes

I needed a little flavor this morning! This did the trick! The Orange, Spice, and Vanilla Combo mesh well together and none of them are overpowering. The Black tea base is gentle but present. This is a nice one to have on hand. Pretty tasty, indeed!


mmmm love me some orange spice tea! I’ll have to try this one out.

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1501 tasting notes

I must have sent a sample of this to someone, because it’s opened in my sample box. I forget who, but will look to see if anyone has reviewed this, after I review it myself. ;)

I’m in a good mood today. Lots of sleep (even though I’m still fighting a cold), and my kids are signing me a song from The Sound of Music. My almost 6-year-old just belted out, “… when I’m feeling bad, I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don’t feel, so… bad….” And now he’s changing the words. “When the dog bites, when the pillow falls, when I’m feeling poopy…” Yep, it’s that kind of day at my house.

Onto the tea. This is a straightforward black that delivers what it sells. It’s got spice (clove is what I smell and taste), and then some orange, with a touch of creaminess. It’s better with Truvia. Simple, straightforward, yummy.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Awww! «…when I’m feeling poopy…». This will be added to my vocabulary :-)


There is no one cuter on the planet than a 6-year-old…especially when he’s yours :)


Heh. It’s a favorite word of his… and it’s hard for me not to laugh. He’s even cuter because he’s missing both top and bottom teeth on only the right side of his mouth, so his I-did-something-I-don’t-want-you-to-know-about-just-don’t-look-over-my-shoulder smile is even more hilarious.

He’s 6 on Christmas Eve. Makes for a fun holiday!

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136 tasting notes

Orange peel, vanilla bean and clove on a black tea. The black tea is well behaved in this blend (not bitter or overly strong). Having vanilla, I expected a creamier feel, but that’s not the case… I’m not getting vanilla, perhaps way in the background. The orange and clove are the basic flavorings here, and while I like clove more than orange, it’s an ok blend (personal preferences are clashing, nothing wrong with the tea). It has a mild spicy feel but not one that’s overpowering.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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12 tasting notes

A nice tea, not overpowering.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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3 tasting notes

The dry leaves smell incredible – strong cloves and citrus, very festive.

As for the liquor itself – The cloves and citrus are mild don’t overpower the taste of the tea. Overall, really enjoyed this, especially with the cold rainy weather today.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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13 tasting notes

I have been trying to find a loose-leaf version of Constant Comment that isn’t ACTUALLY Constant Comment.

This isn’t it, but it’s close.

It’s a little too heavy on the orange, tipping into the range where I can taste that it’s been added in artificially. It’s also missing the blend of spices I prefer, hitting clove and mostly leaving out nutmeg or cinnamon. Milk definitely helps with this one but it’s not one I’ll be getting again.

Flavors: Clove, Orange

4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 14 OZ / 414 ML

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111 tasting notes

I may need to try another cup of this one, before I write up a full tasting note… Today, the flavors seemed a little overwhelming, kind of sweet and artificial? I’m not sure. I don’t usually mind artificial flavors, so that seems odd. My taste buds were still waking up, so that could have been a factor. I noticed a lot of cinnamon (which tasted like cinnamon candies to me, and not like the plain spice, maybe because of the clove?). I tasted orange too, but it struck me as kind of syrupy. That said, this was still a tasty cup! It reminded me of Cinnamon Heart from David’sTEA, which I enjoy when I’m in the mood for it. I also like that they added vanilla. It made for a smoother tea, especially considering that this is a spice blend. I’ll have to try this one again!

Side note: This is my 50th tasting note. Hurray! :)

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