Tea type
Herbal Tea
Apple, Chamomile, Hibiscus, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Lemongrass, Linden Flower, Natural Flavours, Raspberries, Strawberry
Apple, Berries, Drying, Floral, Hibiscus, Lavender, Lemon, Straw, Berry, Blueberry, Dried Fruit, Herbs, Hot Hay, Lemongrass
Sold in
Caffeine Free
Edit tea info Last updated by derk
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 15 sec 25 oz / 750 ml

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12 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Seriously? The rest of you thought this ok at best. I found the hibiscus to be just a background filler note. The main flavors were pomegranate, strawberry, and lemon. I didn’t really notice the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sort of looks like a WHITE flavored tea in color…a light /mellow orangish-pinkish-brown type color. Smells like berries and chamomile. Tastes like Hibiscus mostly, then apple and berries. Sour...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank-you to Melanie for this sample. I just came back from an outing at the local Museum. Venetian Glass by Dale Chihuly for those of you who know him. Fantastic! I have always loved the way light...” Read full tasting note
  • “It wasn’t until after I had opened the package and started brewing this tea that I had realized that this is a chamomile-lavender blend… sigh I really should read ingredients before I brew! Oh...” Read full tasting note

From two leaves and a bud

A yummy but complex berry blend. Forest berries combine with the flavor of pomegranate, apple, lavender, and hibiscus to create a balanced, sweet but relaxing herbal blend. Chamomile and lemon grass make this a great after-meal tea.

About two leaves and a bud View company

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12 Tasting Notes

1719 tasting notes

Seriously? The rest of you thought this ok at best. I found the hibiscus to be just a background filler note. The main flavors were pomegranate, strawberry, and lemon. I didn’t really notice the chamomile or apple. I did add sweetener and that may make the flavor difference. Anyway, I liked it.

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6768 tasting notes

Sort of looks like a WHITE flavored tea in color…a light /mellow orangish-pinkish-brown type color. Smells like berries and chamomile. Tastes like Hibiscus mostly, then apple and berries. Sour Hibiscus aftertaste…meh. Half of cup hot…meh. COLD is much better but still not AWESOME…just ok.

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676 tasting notes

Thank-you to Melanie for this sample. I just came back from an outing at the local Museum. Venetian Glass by Dale Chihuly for those of you who know him. Fantastic! I have always loved the way light plays on glass (a couple of you live by Orient & Fume in Chico,CA and a few in Seattle where Dale is from). Anyway, afterwards my daughter Annalisa and I went to a Turkish shop for pastry and tea/coffee. She had pomegranite tea and I had Turkish coffee with cardamom. Nice small cup of heavy but good caffeine and semolina coconut honey cake. So good! I was not in the mood for more caffeine at home so decided to try an herbal tea. This Pomi-berry sounded interesting. The dry mix looked like a fluff of fine grass and white dust with some dry apple chunks and a very few pieces of what turns out to be pomegranite. I steeped the herbal tea 3 minutes creating a fragrent blush rose liquor. The flavor is somewhat odd. I could not place it at first. Camphor? No. Ah…now I have it…Lavender. How wierd. Apples, Chamomile, Pomegranite, Lemongrass and Lavender. A bit too odd for me. Not gross but odd. Maybe a roque fairy would like this or a real die-hard lavender lover but I just can’t put this together and say yum… I am glad to try it though!

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4843 tasting notes

It wasn’t until after I had opened the package and started brewing this tea that I had realized that this is a chamomile-lavender blend… sigh I really should read ingredients before I brew!

Oh well, I’ve had several strong black teas this morning, so I guess I’ve nothing to fear from a little chamomile and lavender.

Now that the tea has brewed I can smell the chamomile and lavender… and the hibiscus! After brewing the recommended 3 minutes, I tasted and it was a little weaker than I wanted so I increased the brew time for another 2 minutes.

It’s good – certainly not my favorite relaxation blend out there – but it’s alright. The hibiscus flavor is not overwhelming but does provide a nice body to the cup. The chamomile and lavender taste nice together. And the berry is sweet and tasty. Overall, a nice, relaxing cup… it would be better in the evening though!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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47 tasting notes

Decided to try this, hoping that I could find a bag tea that I kind of liked for work. Smells very strongly of chamomille. It wasn’t terrible for a bagged tea, but I really didn’t taste much of the underlying fruit notes. To me it tasted more like chamomille. Still searching…

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70 tasting notes

Smells like Christmas. Christmas berries, that is. Perfect for the first day in the 20°F range.

5 min, 0 sec

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1652 tasting notes

Sipping on a pot of this herbal tea now. Another old ass tea from depths of the kitchen, best before 08/2012.

Smells like berries > hibiscus > chamomile. Tastes like a mouthful of apple-straw chamomile tea, with very light hibiscus on the sip and a light but lingering berry-lavender aftertaste. Linden, lemon balm and lemongrass? Can’t taste ‘em. But maybe the lemon herbs are giving the slightly drying liquor this bit of lemon sourness. It’s aight.

3 bags to a 750mL? teapot.

Flavors: Apple, Berries, Drying, Floral, Hibiscus, Lavender, Lemon, Straw

Boiling 8 min or more 25 OZ / 750 ML

Best before 2012? I bet I have a stash of those somewhere! (My loose tea hoarding started in 2012 or so, but I have some Tazo & CS bagged teas from prior. Much, much prior. Ha.)

Mastress Alita

I feel fortunate that I started collected in fall of 2016, which means my “mass collecting” and oldest teas now are mostly 2017s that I’m trying to sipdown and get out of my house. So nothing in my cupboard is too old at the moment. But I don’t have the storage to keep getting more and hording without clearing out now, so I think I’ll never have anything that spans beyond that two year gap anyway. (Aside from trades, and I guess anything goes with that… total mystery there!)


Learn from our mistakes!!

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2987 tasting notes

I couldn’t find “Orchard berry” anywhere, but I looked it up and found out it was previously called Pomi-berry. I’m just going to write my tasting note under the old name, that seems easier than making a new listing

I had this hot first, and steeped it 30 seconds in 90 deg C water. Second cup was 1 minute in cold water. I think this is best with very short steeps to prevent hibiscus-domination. It was excellent cold, I think this would make a wonderful iced tea to drink straight (no sweetener).

Very fruity, hibiscus starts coming out a few seconds in, berries, chamomile, lemongrass. A nice fruity herbal.

Flavors: Berries, Berry, Blueberry, Dried Fruit, Herbs, Hot Hay, Lemongrass

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561 tasting notes

I did not like this tea at all. I like African Sunset better.

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65 tasting notes

Had this tea at the spa on the weekend – not that I regularly spend time at the spa, but when there, why not drink tea? I really enjoyed it – a nice, light herbal tea. I’m quite surprised to see the reviews indicating a strong hibiscus flavor; I didn’t even notice hibiscus. Slightly fruity and very relaxing.

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