Alpine Berry Herbal

Tea type
Herbal Tea
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Berries, Fruity, Hibiscus, Juicy, Tart, Pleasantly Sour
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Edit tea info Last updated by Kristin
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 30 sec 16 oz / 473 ml

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From two leaves and a bud

Herbal Potpourri of Hibiscus, Apple Peel, Rose hips, Blackberry leaves and Orange Peel.

Alpine Berry Herbal Tea is the perfect complement to a day in the wilderness. We looked to create an herbal tea that was rich, complex and full, like our camellia sinensis (black, green and white) teas. We started with blackberry leaves, strawberry, and raspberry flavors and essences to create an herbal, naturally sweet and refreshing medley which can be enjoyed both hot in winter or iced in summer. This is a great beverage for kids and adults alike.

About two leaves and a bud View company

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33 Tasting Notes

545 tasting notes

I made up a cup of Alpine Berry last night planning to head into bed and read a Fine Cooking magazine I hadn’t finished. Then I realized I needed to load and start the dishwasher. Then I realized I needed to make the husband lunch to take to work the next day. About 45 minutes later, my tea was barely warm. I heated it in the micro and headed to bed. It’s harder to read a magazine and drink tea in bed than it is with a book. Tea went fast and I don’t remember much about it.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 15 sec

How do you like that magazine? After the demise of Gourmet I’m on the lookout for new magazines – Bon Appetit is not doing it for me!


Demise of Gourmet? I’ve been out of the loop too long – sad news.


Yes – around Thanksgiving of 2009 they stopped publication, and all current subscribers were given Bon Appetit or a refund. I decided to take a chance with Bon Appetit but I don’t like it. BA takes all the shortcuts (take a rotisserie chicken…take refrigerated pie dough) and no amazing articles where you feel you learn about an area’s way of life through their food, and oh oh oh no Ruth Reichl as editor! The worst part! I LOVE her writing and thank the heavens she has a blog.

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

Jacqueline ~~ Fine Cooking is a cook-from-scratch magazine. I don’t cook out of it as much as I’d like to, but I enjoy reading it. Last month’s had noodle dishes from all kinds of Asian noodles and homemade brioche. Stopping by B&N and paging through one should give you an idea if you like it. One other thing I really like about FC is they will give you the basic recipe for something, then give you a ton of different add-ons and amounts so you can safely create your individualized own version. Some examples are frittatas, mac-n-cheese, and last month’s cheesecakes. They also put out several more sturdy recipe collection magazines a year, which I usually buy if I have any interest in the topic. The last three I got were Soups and Stews 2010, Easy Italian, and Fast and Fresh 2010. I’m looking forward to getting Chicken next month, which has a whole roasted chicken in it. I do cook from these quite a bit. I’d say give it a try.

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902 tasting notes

It’s magenta!!! Deep, bright magenta!! In fact, it’s the exact shade I wanted my El Camino to be when I was 5. Yes, when I was 5, I wanted a magenta El Camino when I turned 16. I fully admit that I had (have) no taste. And, yes, this was one of the things that stuck in my father’s mind when 16 rolled around. Thankfully, he wasn’t that cruel.

Thanks to Meghann M for sending me a few bags of this to try! I brewed it like I do all my hibiscus teas: 10 minutes in boiling water (have I mentioned I like tart?). Loved the smell of the dry bags, and the individually wrapped bags themselves.

It’s not tart. It’s sweet, and thick, almost syrupy. I can taste the rosehips, the orange, the faintest hint of apple (almost a Pink Lady taste), and, of course, the hibiscus. This could rival some of the Republic of Tea’s hibiscus teas…that’s saying something.

What I’d really like to do with this is brew up a big pitcher, sugar the snot out of it, and then set it up in one of those “turn your juice into wine” home brewing kits. Oh, yeah, must get more of this tea!!

Boiling 8 min or more
Meghann M

Oooh….turning fruit tea into wine? I need one of those kits!

Glad this ranked right up there with RoT’s hibiscus. I still have to try this one but I’ve heard good things about this company. Might have to steep up a cup now!


Here’s the link:

My best friend and I are going to be experimenting with it during our next wine massacre girls’ weekend.

It’s delicious!! I’m going to have to look for it around here!


Me too Meghann only I’d use stevia.

Meghann M

Thanks for sharing the link. I bookmarked it and will have to search some down. That would make an awesome girls night drink.

Fariborz Farnia

Hi, I wonder if anybody knows about the mix rate of hibiscus, blackberry leaves and orange peel in this tea. I want to mix my own loose leaves.

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558 tasting notes

Wow, Jaime was right, this is very Magenta!

I love the scent and color of this herbal blend. The taste is very berry, with a hint of something herbal/minty (maybe the blackberry leaf). I really enjoyed how fruity this was. I’m glad to have another herbal bagged blend that I can enjoy at night.

Boiling 8 min or more

This review is making me thirsty!


Isn’t it awesome? I’m going to stop by Whole Foods today and see if they have it here.

Meghann M

Any luck finding this one? If they don’t carry it I can grab you a box. It’s a great tea to have around.


I didn’t get to Whole Foods today; ended up going to a co-op instead. I’ll head over there tomorrow & let you know. That’s so great of you!!

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6768 tasting notes

I really TRIED to do this HOT…didn’t work…blah. at least I can choke it down iced…sigh…




aww :( i like it hot or iced :(


Did you get the ‘vomity’ smell that I was getting?


@Kristin…now that you mention it…lol…maybe THAT’S what I was smelling!!!!! Oye!


Oh wow — this just went to a whole new level of ick :(

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788 tasting notes

Steep Information:
Amount: 2 teabags
Additives: none
Water: 16 ounces hot spigot
Steep Time: a little over 6 minutes
Served: Hot

Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell:
Steeped Tea Smell: sour, berry, floral, defiantly getting hibiscus and blackberry, if i sniff and think hard i get the citrus note at the end lightly. Not getting the apple or rose at all.
Flavor: delicious apple berry hibiscus punch! a little tangy, starts sweet, then sour/tang, then sweet again. I love it, it’s like a fruit cocktail.
Body: Full
Aftertaste: sweet berry with lingering apple
Liquor: deep dark opaque purple-red

See my company review here.

I love this tea, it’s delicious and full of flavor, and the flavors and a blend, you can pick them out if you try (well i can’t find the rose) but not the weird teas that the flavors seem to be separate and not mesh.

I need to cut back on my caffeine so there will be plenty more herbals coming up.

This packaging is excellent for at work, the individual packs keeps it fresh and i don’t need to keep the box when it gets low (and my drawer will still be clean). Also teabags are just so convenient at work.

Post-Steep Additives: none


190 °F / 87 °C 6 min, 0 sec

resteep fail, bleh colored water

Meghann M

I never seem to get a good resteep out of herbals, unless they are minty herbals, but then I don’t usually want the 2nd cup!


i know :( but i keep trying, sometimes i am pleasantly surprised

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1719 tasting notes

Beautiful color. Awesome berry scent. The taste even with sweetener is a little tart but mostly flat. I am not a big herbal or berry drinker. Maybe this is good. Maybe I just don’t get it. It was not hard to drink. I just wasn’t a fan.

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58 tasting notes

Thank you Miss Meghann for sending this my way! I too am getting a faint minty smell here along with the yummy berry. The taste is very berry, even slightly sour ( I don’t really see this as a bad thing). There is a soothing quality to this tea. And I think I am detecting the mint in there with the taste as well (either that or its the power of suggestion). ;)

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25 tasting notes

I don’t think I’ve had a berry tea that I’ve ever liked. Needless to say, I didn’t have high expectations. I expected it to be bitter, overpowering, and harsh; this tea was none of those things. It reminded me of very mellow red wine. Since I only had a sample, I will definitely be going out to buy a box.

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267 tasting notes

This is just about my worst tea nightmare- hibiscus? berries? Oh lordy. But it was a gift, and before I bring it to the university and unload it upon my department I thought I should at least try a cup. Not feeling optimistic when I see the deep wine colored brew.
Ok, bracing myself.

Yep, tastes like warm kool-aid. Like jell-o mix before it cools. All teas of this sort just taste exactly the same to me. I even blame them for the bad impression I had of herbal teas for years (thanks, Celestial Seasonings berry tea).
Not gonna number-rank this, because I saw my distaste for it coming. If it hadn’t been drilled into my head from a young age not to waste things, I’d probably pour this down the drain.

150 °F / 65 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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252 tasting notes

Very nice color and scent but I truly don’t care for the tea. It left a dry feeling on my tongue and was not enjoyable. Might need a different tea to restart the day today

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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