This is a bit of a backlog, as I actually drank this at work on Tuesday afternoon. It was included in the sample pack I bought last year as a counterpoint to the first flush darjeelings, and it’s easy to see the differences when you put them side by side.
The leaf here is noticably darker, more black brown than green/white. I brewed this for just under 3 minutes, I think, although I probably wasn’t paying the closest attention. It brews to a much darker liquor than any of the first flushes, a sort of golden caramel colour. The taste is still amazing, though. I can immediately see that, where the first flushes are peachy and grassy, this second flush is floral and grape-like. It’s a really deep, complex, interesting flavour. There’s a very, very slight astringency, but it’s actually quite welcome with a flavour so rich.
I’d be hard pressed to say which flush I prefer. They’re both so different, and I like them equally for the different qualities that they have. I’m glad to have had the opportunity to try these four darjeelings — it’s really broadened my experience of this tea variety.