This tea is a bit more remarkable than the last estate tea I tried from TropicalTeaCo.
This tea is very smooth, its a much more mellow bodied tea. I’m not sure I get the true-darjeeling characteristics from it, the fruitiness or the muscatel spiciness… but there is a subtle sweetness behind the the tea flavor. I’m not entirely sure if this is a characteristic of it being a darjeeling, or whether there just happens to be a subtle sweetness ;).
It is definitely a very mellow, relaxing tea. I could see this being a nice evening tea… get home from work… just want a nice simple brew… get your slippers on… pet your vanilla puppy.
This is another TropicalTeaCo ridiculously-cheap-per-ounce buy. In all honesty, I only really bought it for the name (I have a dear friend named Mim, so this made me chuckle a bit). But, it turns out to be quite a tasty tea. I’m not sure what it’s “real” price is, but at $1/oz I can see it being a fairly common purchase. I’ll be getting a darjeeling soon from my groupon Golden Moon sampler. We’ll see how the two compare!