Spiced Apple Keemun

Tea type
Black Tea
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Apple, Honeydew, Pleasantly Sour, Smoke, Spicy, Bread
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Loose Leaf
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 9 oz / 266 ml

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From Tippy's Tea

The keemun is malty and chocolatey with a slight bitterness. This is nicely complimented by a spiced apple flavour that is sweet and light with accents of cinnamon.

Ingredients: Keemun, organic natural flavour

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6 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Doesn’t look like I rated this previously, although I know I tried it. Unfortunately, it came off as just a black tea to me. Nothing special at all. And since I’m not a huge fan of keemun, it was even less interesting to me (though I drank it – it probably is a decent cup for those who enjoy this sort of profile). Thanks to… Sil? VariaTea? Cavocorax? Whoever gave me the remainder of their sample :)

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15631 tasting notes

this is another one from variaTEA sadly to me this is really just a keemun. Malty, delicious and tasty. But apple? spices? nope. not here.

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818 tasting notes

I probably shouldn’t have had another cup of black tea, but I couldn’t resist trying my last sample from Cameron B.!

So, based on other reviews, I knew it wasn’t going to taste exactly like the name suggests. I tried really hard to get apple, and I could maybe see how this was apple flavoring turned something else. That something else being honeydew! As a honeydew tea, it’s good! I’m not sure about a honeydew tea with a black base, but it turned out to be very silky in texture. Again, an indication of a good base tea.

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378 tasting notes

Interesting! I agree with other reviewers – the primary scent I get from this tea is actually honeydew melon, not apple. I kind of wish I hadn’t read any previous reviews so I’d know if I were being unduly influenced by them, but I’m pretty sure I would have come to this conclusion on my own. :) There is a subtle spiciness, but not as much as I would expect from something called “Spiced Apple”. The keemun base is interesting, I don’t think I find it to be particularly chocolatey, more malty with a bit of acidity/sourness that gives more of an apple impression than the actual flavouring does. I’m trying to decide if I get any smokiness from it… maybe on the aftertaste. Overall it’s a nice tea – smooth, pleasant to drink, with a long and interesting finish. It’s just a bit odd as well. :)

Edited to add:
Well I guess it was interesting enough to merit a 2nd steep, even though I have SO much tea to try right now. :) Steeped again, this time for 5min, and added sugar. It’s really nice sweetened as well, seems to bring out the spiced apple (or spiced honeydew!) flavour.

Flavors: Apple, Honeydew, Pleasantly Sour, Smoke, Spicy

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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6444 tasting notes

Cameron B. was dead on when she said this tasted like honeydew. I am a little disappointed because to me the dry leaf smelled strongly of apple but this is a smokey honeydew tea for sure. Very strange. Not bad strange though. It is pleasant but not something I need to keep around. Still, I don’t think I would necessarily turn away another cup.

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Cameron B. 10 years ago

Hah, I’m glad I’m not crazy and other people taste smoky honeydew as well!

VariaTEA 10 years ago

I took a sip and couldn’t place it and then I remembered your note and was like “OMG! She is right!!”

TippysTea 10 years ago

Thanks guys for the criticism. It’s input like this that we need so that we can improve our teas. We think that we missed the mark with this tea ourselves. To me it tastes more apple cider-y than anything else. What does honeydew taste like? I’m unfamiliar with that descriptor/flavour and cannot pin-point it in my mind.

Lindsay 10 years ago

Honeydew is a melon – unless you avoid all melon on principle you’ve probably tasted it: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f5/Honeydew.jpg

TippysTea 10 years ago

Ok I know what you mean now. I’ll steep some up later this evening and see what I get, I’m sure I will. Both these folks have been pretty spot on so far. Thanks for the clarification.

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4344 tasting notes

Another one from my Tippy’s Tea sampler! I tend to be a sucker for apple things, so this was a no-brainer. Another blend with just tea and flavoring, no frou-frou additional ingredients. The Keemun leaves are somewhat small and thin, but not broken. Dry, the tea smells like caramel apple pops and honeydew (?).

Hmm, this is an odd one for me. The Keemun base is nice and smoky, but I can’t find any apple. It just tastes like honeydew to me for some reason! No spice either. There’s something resembling pie crust, probably just bready notes from the Keemun base. Odd! Honeydew and smoke is surprisingly not a terrible combination, but it’s not what I was looking for with this tea. I would give this a rating of 80 based on taste, but since it’s nowhere near what the name promises, I’ll drop it by 5 points.

Flavors: Bread, Honeydew, Smoke

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
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Tealizzy 10 years ago

Honeydew?! Weird!

Cameron B. 10 years ago

I know! I made my boyfriend taste it to make sure I’m not crazy. :P

Anlina 10 years ago

Huh that sounds so interesting.

Cameron B. 10 years ago

It actually tasted good, it just wasn’t what I was expecting!

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