I received an assortment of teas: a pyramid tea bag, some tea in sachets, and loose leaf tea. I chose the pyramid tea bag because I wanted something simple but of good quality. The packaging is identical to what I had before, so I can’t tell the difference between the pyramid tea and the loose leaf visually. However, I assume the tea itself is the same, including the quality of the leaves, so I don’t expect a big difference in taste.
Now, on to the tea itself. It’s a lovely black tea, brisk and robust without being astringent or bitter. The dominant flavor notes are dark malts and rye bread, with the rye bread becoming more prominent as the tea cools.
Definitely a rich and smooth black tea. Perhaps the larger mug I used in the office diluted the tea somewhat. My mug at home is smaller, resulting in a more concentrated brew, which I find preferable.
Note: I received Tielka teas, included in this (and following) tasting notes, free of charge in exchange for a tasting note. I will do my best to remain unbiased, but of course, I am very grateful for this opportunity.