Adventaggedon Day Twenty Three – 3/6
This is the first tea included in this advent where I just haven’t been able to figure out the fandom. Nothing in the name or printed out ingredients/blurb is ringing a bell for me, and when I went to check the website I didn’t even see this tea listed…
It’s another that I had early enough today that I don’t think my sinuses were blocked up enough to really taint my ability to taste too significantly. It’s chocolate raspberry flavoured and I found that really clear in the sip. The chocolate note is a little bit of a boozy chocolate liqueur note, but with the sweeter syrupy raspberry and brisk body of the black tea it works. It gives me truffle vibes, but also “high end” dessert cocktail. I was intrigued enough that this is something I might consider ordering.
Today’s Advent Photos:
Song Pairing: