Adventaggedon Day Eight – 5/5
There was a lot of pressure on this tea today because it’s something that I own a 50g bag of but haven’t tried yet. So I would have been really, really disappointed if I hadn’t enjoyed it. I actually found it really pleasant though, even though it was very different than I’d imagined it tasting when I bought it.
The staff at Thesaurus had really sold this to me on the idea of it tasting forest-y and that’s what the little blurb seems to indicate it should taste like as well. In reality I would call this more of a maple tea than anything else – a pretty tasty maple flavour, though! Although, I suppose technically maple could be described as a forest flavour – it does come from trees and here in Canada maple tress can sometimes significantly add to the make up of a forest’s plant life. It’s just not the first thing that would come to mind.
I expected more cedar, but I got little of it. The tusli, however, was a delicate background note that I found a pleasantly surprising compliment to the maple! The whole cup was pretty smooth and once I had a better handle on what to expect I relaxed as I drank it and just enjoyed myself. It’s probably one of the better blends from Thesaurus that we’ve had in the advent thus far.
Today’s Advent Photos:
Song Pairing: