Dong Ding

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Oolong Tea
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190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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From thepuriTea

Also known as Tung Ting Oolong or Frozen Summit Oolong, Dong Ding Oolong is one of Taiwan’s most famous teas. Its small, pellet-like rolled leaves produce an aromatic, lemon yellow brew with scents of gardenias, mulched grass and buttery vanilla pastries. The flavor of Dong Ding is true to the aroma, with the added complexity of toasted nuts, fresh cream and a slight astringency. A velvety mouthfeel transforms into a slightly drying finish with lasting flavors of honeydew, flowers and nuts. The second infusion is truly remarkable. It’s even smoother, creamier and more floral than the first. Later infusions reveal an enticing mineral edge and more honeyed flavors. Pair Dong Ding Oolong with simple, creamy foods, such as panna cotta or uniced vanilla cake dipped in warm cream.

About thepuriTea View company

Our mission is simple: to provide gourmet teas and practical teaware. We source all of our teas and teaware directly from China, Taiwan and India to ensure the maximum quality, value and freshness for our customers. By cutting out the middleman in our selection process, we can pass on savings to our customers and guarantee the quality of each and every one of our products.

15 Tasting Notes

523 tasting notes

Something really awesome just happened. My husband loves this oolong! Imagine that, one who likes a select few flavored teas and drinks mostly coffee really loves a simple delicious unflavored oolong. He will be converted soon >)

As for me, I like it quite well enough. It smells both floral and vegetal (exactly how I like my greener oolongs). The flavor is smooth, vegetal, slightly floral and I think I pick up a little lemon too.

Thanks again moraiwe for helping me to find some fantastic oolongs :)

I just tried a second steeping (I figured I’d try to get the most out of my sample). I steeped it 4min30sec (first time was 3min).
I liked the first cup better. It lost a lot of flavor the second time around, but maybe only because I steeped so long the first time. Although, a longer time was recommended for this tea, so I dunno. It’s still a pleasant cup though. Not much floral, but a bit mineral-ly. Not sure if thats the right word. I’ve hear it used to describe other teas. It’s the same flavor I’ve often associated with second and third steepings of mostly japanese greens. I always call it a flat muddy flavor, like dirt almost (but Ive yet to hear anyone else describe it as mineral…) However, in this tea it’s not an entirely unpleasant effect. There is still just a hint of the original flavor left too.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Terri HarpLady

That’s awesome Shelley, & I can relate. My Sig-oth is very picky regarding teas, & is perfectly happy to drink the exact same tea the exact same way…day after day. As long as he’s happy, it’s all right by me, but I could never be happy with just one tea!


Oh gee, I keep looking at your abbreviation “sig-oth” and keep thinking it says “sloth.” And then I imagine Sid from Ice age and consider it an appropriate designation for male partners. lol.

But anyway, yeah, my ‘sloth’ isn’t much for exploring foods or drinks, He picks out favorite items and rarely strays into new territory. I make fun of him for it all the time.


Pretty much everything I’ve had from thepuriTea has been amazing. :D (You should try their Milk Oolong if I didn’t send any. I’m down to my last teaspoons and trying not to get twitchy fingers on the order button)


Already placed an order. My husband asked me to and I can’t say no when I have specific permission to buy tea! Haha. I got the milk oolong to, as a hesitant afterthought. I’ve never had milk oolong, but it sounds like I might not like. But this one had such good reviews I figure if im going to try it, better try the best :)


Sorry for weird short sentences and typos. I’m using my phone and I’m not skilled with typing on it.

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2201 tasting notes

I’m pretty sure this is my first ever dong ding… I’ve tried a lot of higher altitude varietals, but not one of these before. I just got done teaching the first class of the semester, then gossiping with faculty about other people in our field, so I’ve been talking a lot and my throat’s a bit sore. :D A nice oolong should help, I think.

It certainly smells nice… buttery and creamy and floral and a hint vegetal. And I’m really enjoying the flavors as well! Nicely floral, creamy mouthfeel, a bit of buttery vegetables. I’m thinking I need to try dong dings more often! I really like combo of the dark florals with the buttery, creamy notes. Now I feel like I should try more dong dings before I go to China, but alas I am on a tea buying moratorium.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I loved Naivetea’s version of the dong ding – have you tried that yet?


Ooh! You’re going to China? Also, congrats on finishing the first class of semester, and congrats on your first dong ding! Here’s hoping your students are all good ones.


Amy – I haven’t tried Naivetea’s dong ding yet, although I do want to now! I didn’t order the heritage oolong sampler set, but I wish I had. Next time!

Spoonvonstup – Yup, in a couple of months for some research. And thanks, I hope this will be a good class!


Very cool! I hope you can pick up some Mandarin while you’re there (or find Chinese speaking-friends) so you can visit a tea market.

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411 tasting notes

Had this again today, and it was very fruity without being sweet today. Lovely.

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863 tasting notes

This is a very light, clean tea – I used the entire sample (which ended up being about 10 grams) of the tightly rolled green leaves in about 18 oz. of water at below parameters.

What I got was a pale yellow liquor with a creamy texture, and a spinachy taste and smell. Considering the amount of leaf used I can only imagine how light it would be if I used the 1-2 grams of leaf per cup that was recommended.

While it was a nice gentle tea – it was very straightforward in both taste and smell. I’m not really sensing any difference (besides the texture, I guess) between this and green teas. Is there something I’m missing?

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

depending on the oolong, it can taste more like green tea or more like black tea since oolong is something between the two in terms of oxidation. Also, if you keep resteeping, the subsequent steeps with have a stronger taste. Are you new to oolongs?


Maybe it was kind of a boring oolong… :)


@Mercuryhime – I just resteeped this but if anything noticed a thinner mouthfeel than after my initial steep. I’m guessing it’s because I do such long steeps to get the strength of the tea just right for my tastes. But, yes, I am very new to oolongs – so far I prefer the milk and dan congs because they have a little more going on than some of the others I’ve tried.

@Amy oh – I think that boring is actually a pretty apt description. It’s not bad at all, it just would be better paired with food than as a stand alone.


I really liked the dong ding by naivetea but their version is baked and aged a bit, i believe

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985 tasting notes

Tea of the afternoon…..

I received this sample from Nav, the driving force behind thepuriTea. We have exchanged a few emails about sample packaging, and he offered to send a few samples to me. I requested this one as well as a little more of the Golden Yunnan. I do have to say, that I am impressed with everything they do. I can tell thepuriTea spends some time in carefully choosing their offerings. Also, they continually make strides to improve service as well as web presence and the overall shopping experience. Admittedly, I wait for sales and free shipping offerings when I order, and I so appreciate that this company offers them from time to time.

This tea is good. I like the light vegetal notes, and it seems less floral than the Tie Kuan Yin or Ali Shan. I think this would be best suited to those who are not fans of floral notes. For me, I think I am better suited to Tie Kuan Yin or Ali Shan. It is good to know this, though! Thank you, Nav, for the sample!

Gaiwan, steep#1 at 2 minutes, 180ish water. More steeps to go!

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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788 tasting notes

Steep Information:
Amount: 2 tsp, one entire sample bag
Water: 500ml filtered boiling water 180°F
Tool: Breville One-Touch Tea Maker BTM800XL
Steep Time: a little over 4 minutes
Served: Hot

Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: forgot to sniff
Steeped Tea Smell: vegetal
Flavor: delicate, light, vegetal, smooth, a little nutty
Body: Medium
Aftertaste: sweet, nutty
Liquor: opaque yellow-green

I placed a large order of mostly samples so I could experiment with more flavors from thepuriTea, it’s sort of like pokemon, I want to try them all (mostly).

It was a light and refreshing oolong, I think next time a bit longer steep is in order.

Post-Steep Additives: honey, which even though it was a mild honey over powered the tea, I think that I either needed less or an even milder honey or sweetener.


180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Resteep: 7 minutes, 180°F, same as the first steep


Avon calling! (Sorry. ;-))


LOL @ Morgana: it took me a few minutes (seriously) to get the joke. Oy.

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328 tasting notes

this is an acceptable oolong. I purchased a sample as I am trying to “grow my palate” and appreciate greener oolongs. First, this one does have a discernable flavor. But like the previous reviewer, it can benefit from longer steeping times. It is quite mild and has a pleasant creaminess. I doubt I would order this one due to my personal preferences but I would definitely say this is of decent quality.

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23 tasting notes

Dong Ding is one of my favorite teas. It is a lightly oxidized oolong with huge amounts of flavor. The aroma is a sweet earthy aroma followed by a floral honeysuckle in the background. The brew is a pale yellow liquor at two min steep. The buds are tightly rolled and blossom into a huge amount of leaves. With the wet leaves there is a bit of a grassy and honeysuckle aroma.

When it comes to sipping the precious golden liquor you are first hit by a sweet light grassy notes followed by the honeysuckle. You get a bit of a dry astringent note on the tongue as an aftertaste, but it fades quickly. After the dry note fades you get a nutty earthy note.
Overall I really like this tea and thepuritea did a great job in choosing a great one.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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247 tasting notes

This is a little bizarre for me. I’m reviewing a tea I drank without realizing I had been drinking it.

I ordered from thepuriTea and received my order yesterday. I was looking forward to trying the Dan Cong, so I prepared it, took notes, drank it. Then, I looked at the sample packet. It was marked Dong Ding, as was the other packet of tea in the case. I looked at the outside case. It was marked Dan Cong. Someone put the wrong tea into this sample packet. Therefore, here’s my review for the right tea, Dong Ding.

It smells nice. It’s fresh, not fruity or sweet. More like a soft spring day freshness than woodsy fresh. (195/2 min) It smells grilled. It’s nice, though. Not roasted or smoky, but just grilled. Like the taste that vegetables get on the barbeque, but without the vegetal taste. The tea is a nice yellow color and very clear. The taste is really fresh, clean, grilled, slightly smoky flavored. It’s a bit woodsy, but very nice, not overwhelming. I’d say the elements are all nicely balanced. I’m really enjoying it.

Now, I just have to contact thepuriTea to get the sample that I had actually ordered.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

If someone could clarify what the difference between dong ding, dan cong and phoenix oolong it would be great. Maybe it’s just another name for the same tea?


That crossed my mind at first, but then I rechecked their website and saw that they offer dan cong, dong ding and dong ding (roasted). There must be a difference for them. I don’t have all that much experience to tell you! (Although I’m certain there are people on Steepster who can.)

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4246 tasting notes

This is from a while back — I bought a few samples from them when they were going out of business. Yes, I’m just trying it now. I’m trying to get to know my tea collection better for possible teabox or sale/swap pile possibilities! It’s a pity because this oolong is really good.

Steep #1 // 2 tsps // rinse // 17 min after boiling // 2 min
Though they suggested 180 degrees, my favorite oolong in the past was steeped using just boiled water, so I didn’t want to wait too long. I think I’ve just recently started with this type of oolong and they seem to be a little like ti guan yin, but a little bit different. Flavor notes here: pineapple, sugar, something that reminds me of licorice but doesn’t make it weird. Super smooth and very tasty!

Steep #2 // few minutes after boiling // 2 min
This cup was too bitter. I think the ideal steeping was the last cup. Oolong steeping is too tough to figure out! The leaves here look exactly like the Teavivre Ti Guan Yin but it steeps so differently. This one wasn’t undrinkable but the bitterness killed it. I probably didn’t need to use two teaspoons either.

Steep #3 // 22 min after boiling // 2 min
Still a hint of bitterness, probably because I only steeped half a mug this time. I don’t have enough leaves to ruin this nice oolong! The first cup was delicious though.

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