Inachevée de Constantinople

Tea type
Green Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
170 °F / 76 °C 4 min, 30 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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  • “I am lucky today, when I opened my mailbox I have seen a lot of advertising papers and behind Santa Claus ! not himself but he took the appearance of the Postman and left for me : my Theodor tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “I made this a little bit too hot and I think a little bit too long – should have been 5 degrees (real degrees that is ;) Kelvin or celsius) and one minute less. It is, like a lot of Théodor teas, a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Hey hey, I had this earlier today! Only was able to get to it after it cooled, and I found it a bit floral for my tastes, although quite lovely for a deeper green. I think I oversteeped it however,...” Read full tasting note
  • “So a while back I received some samples from the ever-lovely Ysaurella, but I have neither been in possession of the time nor the faculties for note writing until now, so the samples have had to...” Read full tasting note


Flavoured green tea with major notes of date, almond, apple and rose.

The orient, like tea, conceals a thousand faces, a thousand riches, a thousand perfumes…"I brought back dates, peppermint, the memory of apple tea, almonds and roses to prolong the voyage that could never truly be finished… To have the delicate fragrances mingled all together with this enchanting green tea is enough to take me back there from time to time.
Ideal infusion time: 2~3 mn
Water temperature: 80°

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5 Tasting Notes

408 tasting notes

I am lucky today, when I opened my mailbox I have seen a lot of advertising papers and behind Santa Claus ! not himself but he took the appearance of the Postman and left for me : my Theodor tea order, cteresa’s swap envelope and Terri Harplady’s second swap box !
Yes !!!! Now I am embarrassed because I have so much teas I cannot decide which to begin by.

So after one hour turning around my teas,I finally decided to drink this one first.

The dry leaf scent is really magic even if quite herbal, of course it’s a green tea…not so surprising- the flavours scents are lovely and I get first a dominant apple and a supportive rose .
I brewed it as required on my bag (handwritten notes behind the bag-I love handwritten notes even on tea bags): 85°C I found this a little weird for a green I generally never give much than 80° but decided to follow the instructions.
The liquor is really beautiful, a lovely pale green almost yellow.
There is NO astringency neither bitterness (release! I am so picky with green teas)
The green tea base is nice and mellow (yes, a mellow green tea…hurray it exists !)
The flavours are really mixed :apples, dates, rose, peppermint for sure. I am so sorry for not being able to taste almond, especially because I love so much almond teas.
For sure this tea reminds Orient as constantinople is the muse. It makes me think to Thé du Hammam (green tea base, rose and dates) but it is different, less fruity, more grave somehow.

While cooling apple and rose continue to dominate.

Terri HarpLady

I’m so happy this 2nd box made it into your arms! Whew! I really was afraid that it too would be lost!


I also really liked this! I got to do a proper taste note for it, but for me, it was so very much the date – particularly if you do a second steep. The sweetness there, so well blended as a base – the mint and rose are more noticeable, but the date sort of gives it a depth. A very well done tea blend IMO – I must do a proper tasting note!


And Theodor has lots of Constantinople inspired teas – this one, Trahison Byzantine ( which I sadly could not buy), Héritage de Istanbul, Les 3 Empires


Yay! So relieved for you and Terri! Wow, Christmas tea really knocked on your door this week, lol!


@ cteresa :I have now to taste Héritage d’Istanbul, I have it in cupboard and sent you a sample as well so you’ll need to do a note too ;)
I’ll consider les 3 empires next time I would order but not Trahison Byzantine (even if I do love the name)because it’s a rooibos…


Oh, thank you – I will definetely write a taste note! And yes, i know about you and rooibos. Though I warn you if anybody could ever convert you to rooibos, it might be Théodor!

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362 tasting notes

I made this a little bit too hot and I think a little bit too long – should have been 5 degrees (real degrees that is ;) Kelvin or celsius) and one minute less. It is, like a lot of Théodor teas, a forgiving tea. Though I think due to it being brewed hotter than my first attempts, I am finally getting a hint of the apple mentioned on tea description.

This is a masterfully well blended flavour tea – a great smooth green tea base and then a blended mix just in proportion of evocative flavours. No flavour is really dominant, this is not a one note or predominant note tea, but different flavours seem to work at different levels. The mint is the first thing, then the rose and apple and the date last. I do not detect the almond, but sweet almonds are not very strongly flavoured anyway.

A truly well done tea blend – and a very elegant one as well somehow.

PS – to add, it resteeps very well! Slightly different notes on resteep, a little bit more rose and more date and maybe the elusive almond, maybe not. I expected a lot more mint because the spent leaves smell so minty, but not so much on the taste. But a definite two steeps blend.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

yes this is a lovely tea.

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1501 tasting notes

Hey hey, I had this earlier today! Only was able to get to it after it cooled, and I found it a bit floral for my tastes, although quite lovely for a deeper green. I think I oversteeped it however, because it was also a bit bitter at the end of the sip.

I wish I remembered more, however it was a crazy day, and I just feel like I can settle down now (at 2:54am!) Thank you Ysurella you’re incredibly kind for sharing this with me. :) I owe you!

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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303 tasting notes

So a while back I received some samples from the ever-lovely Ysaurella, but I have neither been in possession of the time nor the faculties for note writing until now, so the samples have had to wait patiently. In very pretty air-tight containers, though, so they haven’t exactly been languishing.

My benefactress had recommended 75C for 3-4 minutes, so I went with 80C (my kettle only does increments of ten) a brief cooling off period, and then a three-minute steep.

In the bag already, it is quite clear this is an exquisite green – I had to force myself to brew it fearlessly, as the scent of the sample was so delicate and complex the risk to lose some small delicious note along the way seemed overwhelming.

But, in the end, I managed to keep my hands steady and my timing timely.

In the cup, the complexity of the dry tea prevails. For me, the notes most present taste wise are apple and date. The apple in particular is interesting – it can’t really make up its mind. Is it a red apple? Is it a green apple? Is it a special fairytale multiplex apple? Possibly, possibly, and possibly.

All in all this is a very pleasant tea, with a light, rosey aftertaste. I have synesthetic tendencies, and this tastes the colour of green marzipan. I see the cake from my 25th birthday (and many other birthdays, I admit I do love my princess cake) as I sip.

Thank you so much, Ysaurella!

[Sample from Ysaurella, spring 2014.]

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

you’re very welcome :) I’m happy you loved it. It is surely a lovely blend, very sensitive and dedicated to the old Istanbul…


I’m going back there in a couple of months – maybe I should have saved the rest of my sample for the trip, to drink it in its proper milieu? Alas, I must admit I really wanted to try it iced, so I’m cold-steeping the rest now.


I love this one, I think it is a rebuy (when I next have the chance to restock Theodor teas, which might take a while). For me it´s the perfect Hammam tea, and while nothing can compare to a proper Hammam (Anna, go the evening you arrive and whenever you get the chance), it is nicer than the regular turkish tea served there!


lucky you Anna, Instanbul seems lovely, I’d love to visit it.


It’s a research trip, so all work and no play this time around, I’m afraid. It’s up there on the list (together with Paris, of all places) of destinations-where-both-me-and-my-husband-have-spent-a-lot-of-time-but-never-actually-together, though. We’ll see!

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