Puer Tuocha (Xiao Tuo Cha)

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Chocolate, Paper
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Edit tea info Last updated by chemakil
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 5 g 7 oz / 200 ml

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From The Tao of Tea

Mini Puer Tuocha has a characteristic full-bodied and earthy flavor. Can endure long steeping times without gaining any astringency and can be re-infused at least three times.

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8 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

4th infusion…4 minutes…
I could go on with more infusions with this one but have more tea to try so I will call it quits with this one…

Just as dark as the 3rd infusion…
Smells like black tea with a hay-like aroma as well
More woodsy-tasting and more malty. Less sweet but still velvety.

I would still say upper 80’s even with it being the 4th infusion!
Very Sturdy Tuocha!


Beat me again! XD This one’s my favorite of the three they have on their webs ite. Do you want some of their Rose or Green? They also have a crysanthemum tuocha that they don’t have up on their website. It’s quite odd. I’ve been waiting until I get back to the store so I can photograph the jar for Steepster.


I’d love to try those!!!! :P


XD I’l take that as a yes. PM me your address and I’ll send you some.


I usually get like 8 good steepings before the flavor is gone

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27 tasting notes

had this with some chocolate chip cookies today. very complimentary.

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2037 tasting notes

My original note for this tea is under a duplicate entry, which is currently inaccessible. I get a 404 error when I go to that page. Frustrating. New overlords, if you are listening, can you fix that please?

Sipdown no. 12 of 2020 (no. 607 total).

After the discussion of cold brew puer, I was in the mood. So my last two cold brew pitchers have been of this tea. The little nests made it really easy — I just unwrapped them and plunked them into the pitcher. The first time I left them in the fridge way longer than I intended, and they pretty much unfurled themselves completely. The second time, they retained some of their shape after about 1.5 days steeping.

Shu is actually quite pleasant cold, at least the ones I have tired. This one is. It’s like a very full bodied black tea. Not particularly the best vehicle for discerning nuances in flavor, color, aroma, etc. but the trade off is a very refreshing cold tea.

I wish I could read what I wrote about this before so I could figure out if I have anything to add. I can’t even tell how I rated it before.


Martin Bednář

They told me earlier it’s because overloaded servers with spam. It should be acessible later on.

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1 tasting notes

I only recommend this tea as a easy to acquire or ‘starter’ puer. I drink it because it’s cheap and labelled organic and fair trade (although I’ve heard that’s questionable and will eventually submit samples to testing labs myself and report results on here.) It’s also become readily available in natural food stores. I like my Puer really dark and thick with chocolate flavors and this one does have that. I do my steeps on this for 3 minutes for the first and second, any longer and it gets a little funky which shows it’s quality, and up to 5 minutes for the 3rd to get it to come out dark. The 4th steep isn’t worth it but I’ll drink it sometimes rather than putting on a whole new pot. All around a decent meal time or work day tea, but not something I’d pick when I want to sit and really enjoy some good tea.

Flavors: Chocolate, Paper

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 5 g 7 OZ / 200 ML

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