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Fruit Green Blend
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165 °F / 73 °C 2 min, 30 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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  • “Full Review on http://sororiteasisters.com/ on the 5th of Feb but for now here are the snippits: Tropical Pineapple from The Persimmon Tree really makes me feel like listening to Jimmy Buffet...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is quite different from what I was expecting. In my head, ‘Tropical Pineapple’ sounds like a pina colada type drink, heavy on the flavoring. However, this is a pretty light blend! The green...” Read full tasting note
  • “ICED TEA MODE! I’m finishing up my sample of this – 3tsp steeped in a little 175f water, poured over ice and honey. The result: Up front green tea taste, crisp and veggie like. Aftertaste of fresh...” Read full tasting note
  • “First tea of the day. No, that is a lie. I tried to improve Aztec Fire (Teavana) buy adding hot pepper flakes. I think this could work, but I used WAAAAAAAAY to much…..my throat feels burnt. I...” Read full tasting note

From The Persimmon Tree Tea Company

The sweet and refreshing Pineapple Green tea comprises organic green loose-leaf tea hand-crafted with tropical flavors of pineapple, mango and papaya. Enjoy this tasty pineapple tea at any time of day.

Organic Green Loose-Leaf Tea, Pineapple, Organic Cornflowers, Organic Safflowers, Natural Flavors, Pineapple Tea, Pineapple Green Tea

Steep 1-2 tsp at 175deg for 1-3 mins

About The Persimmon Tree Tea Company View company

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6 Tasting Notes

807 tasting notes

Full Review on http://sororiteasisters.com/ on the 5th of Feb but for now here are the snippits:

Tropical Pineapple from The Persimmon Tree really makes me feel like listening to Jimmy Buffet music, or Calypso music. I tried this hot first, just because I do all my reviews sipping on hot tea, but then I had to toss some ice into the cup because mmmmmm it is SO very extra good iced!

The organic green base has just the right amount of butteriness to make the tropical fruit flavors really pop! There is also a natural sweetness to the tea base with just a slight amount of astringency which to me only makes it seem more like a mixed drink beverage.

The pineapple notes are excellent, but at the same time its not overdone to where it tastes like your drinking the syrup from a can of pineapple cuts. Its light enough to be refreshing yet sweet and fruity enough to appease the desire for something a little more than just a good green base tea.

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470 tasting notes

This is quite different from what I was expecting. In my head, ‘Tropical Pineapple’ sounds like a pina colada type drink, heavy on the flavoring. However, this is a pretty light blend! The green base shines through, grassy and crisp. The flavors are very subdued: the pineapple tastes like some fresh squeezed juice was mixed with a nice green tea, it’s very soft and subtle. However, it’s without any tang, which I kind of expect from pineapple.

There’s another fruit taste here too—apricot maybe? Well, it tastes like apricot! Kind of rich and lightly sweet, it goes really well with the pineapple to balance it out. It’s a tropical glass without being overly tropical (not that I mind super tropical flavors, but I prefer them with a black base). Of course I had this cold brewed, for some reason I find hot teas with tropical tastes kind of… strange? Anyway, an excellent iced tea, maybe the best green I’ve tried from Persimmon—I think the flavors are balanced a lot better than Green Pomegranate. The Caramel does give this a run for its money though! Maybe I should do a side by side taste-test.

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1271 tasting notes


I’m finishing up my sample of this – 3tsp steeped in a little 175f water, poured over ice and honey.

The result: Up front green tea taste, crisp and veggie like. Aftertaste of fresh pineapple. I like this better iced than hot.

I wish the pineapple was stronger, but this is a good tea for someone who wants a lightly flavored tea.


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143 tasting notes

First tea of the day. No, that is a lie. I tried to improve Aztec Fire (Teavana) buy adding hot pepper flakes. I think this could work, but I used WAAAAAAAAY to much…..my throat feels burnt.

I ordered some samples from this company thanks to Awkward Soul’s note. Glad she told me…

The smell of this dry is fresh with a light pineapple smell… quite nice. The brew smells very light and fresh as well, but I don’t smell the fruit a lot. It makes a light greenish yellow liquor as well.

The taste is a little bit disappointing. While the green tea base has a nice light, crisp grassy flavor, I hardly taste any of the fruit; cold or warm. It is really more of a light after taste that comes threw on the tongue after you have taken a breath. Then again being someone who has drank Teavana teas I might be ruined, since their fruity teas beat you into submission with their fruit flavors.

Overall, I don’t hate it. It just taste more a like a plain green tea to me. I would recommend it to white tea or green tea people to try; especially at $1.25 a sample with free shipping.

Amount: 2 1/2 tsp
Water: 28oz
Pot: Glass
Sweetener: 1 tbs light agave per 14oz glass

165 °F / 73 °C 2 min, 45 sec
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Azzrian 13 years ago

While this is not one of my favorite Persimmon Tree teas .. I am curious if maybe the previous tea ruined your tasting of this one?

Ze_Teamaker 13 years ago

hmmmm, I don’t think so. It had been around a hour before I brewed this one. Also I had drank milk and stuff to clear my throat. I still have some more or this, so I will be brewing it again.

It could be a possibility….

Azzrian 13 years ago

Ah that should be enough time then unless you totally burnt your mouth which I hope is not the case!

Ze_Teamaker 13 years ago

Nah, I wasn’t water temp. Just when I took a sip of the Aztec Fire and swallowed, the burning spice sensation hit my throat like a ton of bricks

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630 tasting notes

This one was tasty, definitely very fruity and refreshing. I think it would be even better iced than it was hot. Hot, it didn’t wow me so much, but that might be because I have had some really standout blends from this company that make this one seem worse than it really is.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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