White Saffron Tea / Thé Saffron Blanc

Tea type
Food White Blend
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by MissB
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1 Tasting Note View all

  • “Grabbed this while I was in Montreal six months ago, and never opened it, just sent it home. Silly me! Now that I am back, it was on the top of my pile to try. Sadly, I messed it up. 130 degrees...” Read full tasting note

From Thé de Cru

epicesdecru.com, spicetrekkers.com

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1 Tasting Note

1501 tasting notes

Grabbed this while I was in Montreal six months ago, and never opened it, just sent it home. Silly me! Now that I am back, it was on the top of my pile to try.

Sadly, I messed it up. 130 degrees and an oversteep, plus a tea kettle that had water sitting in it for who knows how long. I won’t rate it, no way this is doing it justice.


sounds tasty though… ie like it has potential heh

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