Earl Grey Green tea

Tea type
Green Tea
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Bergamot, Green
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Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 8 min or more

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From Tetley

We’ve combined the irresistibly light flavour of green tea, with the bold and distinctive taste of bergamot essence. The result is an unmistakable tea that’s both refreshing, regal and sure to please your palate.

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5 Tasting Notes

1 tasting notes

This is a great tea for a blend… It tastes of bergamot with a light hint of green aftertaste !… try it with milk, Mmmm.. !!!

175 °F / 79 °C 8 min or more

OMG! This is the only tea I will drink. It is the best tasting tea ever. The aroma the flavor is like no other tea. I even took some to work and gave a sample to all my co-workers which was not a good idea because they all come back for more. I now have to hide my tea. To make matters worst I can’t seem to find this Tetley Earl Grey Green Tea on any of the grocery shelves at this time. Help Me!!!!! Was this product removed for some reason?

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1190 tasting notes

I was dog sitting for a friend all weekend and this tea was what she had in her cabinet so I thought, why not? Tetley isn’t a favourite brand of mine but it will do in a pinch. I sat down to watch Netflix with a mug full of this tea and the first thing I noticed was the aroma and how it really did smell like green tea mixed with earl grey. Quite interesting. The taste was about the same as the aroma. I could distinctively taste the green tea and I could distinctively taste the earl grey tea. One nice thing was that one flavour did not overpower the other. That being said, I didn’t find this tea all that exciting. I prefer my green tea by itself and my earl grey tea by itself. With the two flavours mixed, it’s a little odd but not entirely awful, just not for me. I was thinking that with a little cream and sugar, it might be better.

Flavors: Bergamot, Green

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58 tasting notes

Hmm, not my favourite. It’s an odd combination. I like my tea unadorned, and this probably needs sugar or milk. I’ll give it a shot another time.

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9 tasting notes

A really nice blend of the two distinct tea flavours. I enjoy Earl Grey and Green teas and this Earl Grey/Green combo offers a satisfying variation on both tea genres.

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307 tasting notes

Not my favourite tea ever, but like Honey Lemon Ginseng, will put up with quite a bit of travel-mug abuse.

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