Mein Sommer in Elbflorenz

Tea type
Fruit Tea
Apple Pieces, Ginger Pieces, Mango, Orange Peel, Orange Pieces, Pineapple Pieces, Safflower, Sunflowers
Tropical Fruit
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Edit tea info Last updated by Martin Bednář
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more 14 oz / 400 ml

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  • “Another tea from Teerausch, this time a caffeine-free cup of tea. The translation of it is My summer in Elbe-Florence and Elbflorenz is nickname for Dresden. Actually bought it as “local” blend,...” Read full tasting note

From Teerausch

Der Himmel ist blau. Die Sonne strahlt. Die Elbwiesen sind voller Menschen. Die Biergärten sind voll. Heißluftballons fahren über deinen Köpfen. Es ist Sommer in Dresden. Hol dir deinen Sommer in Elbflorenz mit unserer frischen fruchtigen Früchtemischung.


Apfelstücke, kandierte Ananasstücke (Ananas, Zucker) (13,5 %), kandierte Mangostücke (Mango, Zucker) (6,5 %), Aroma, Apfelscheiben, Orangenstücke, Ingwerstücke, Moringablätter (3 %), Orangenschalen, Saflorblüten, Sonnenblumenblüten

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1 Tasting Note

2076 tasting notes

Another tea from Teerausch, this time a caffeine-free cup of tea. The translation of it is My summer in Elbe-Florence and Elbflorenz is nickname for Dresden. Actually bought it as “local” blend, not much checking what is in. Again, only 20 gr sample.

Based on the ingredients, which are down below as on their website, it contains mostly: apple pieces, pineapple and mango.

I steeped it for quite long, I think it could be up to 10 minutes and then I forgot… so I was drinking it rather cold. I had it warm before and I have to say that cold version is actually better. Maybe I will use the rest for cold-steep once I can leave my “isolation-room” (after a week). Or make an iced tea.

Because it is what this tea deserves. Cold drinking. Thirst quencher. Great and quite sweet. Maybe because mango and pineapple are candied. But it is fine.

Flavour is somehow generic tropical, maybe mango a bit more prominent than the pineapple. But it is very fruity and enjoyable in warmer days as today.

Moringa in the ingredients does nothing to taste. Maybe making it a wee bolder liquid, than one would expect from fruits only.

I am happy with this purchase.

Flavors: Tropical Fruit

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more 14 OZ / 400 ML

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