Organic Nonpareil Ming Qian Dragon Well Long Jing Green Tea

Tea type
Green Tea
Green Tea Leaves
Apricot, Astringent, Beany, Broth, Butter, Chestnut, Chocolate, Citrus, Coconut, Floral, Grass, Green Beans, Hay, Herbs, Mineral, Mint, Nutty, Rice, Salt, Sugarcane, Sweet, Vegetal, Bitter, Flowers, Spring Water, Drying, Mango, Pine, Green, Nuts, Asparagus, Cream, Peas, Spinach, Umami, Kale, Lettuce, Magnolia, Orchid, Roasted, Fruity, Stonefruit
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by TeaVivre
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec 3 g 10 oz / 292 ml

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  • “This is my third dragon well furnished by Teavivre. Nonpareil according to Wikipedia means ‘without equal’. This is a pre-ming tea. That means this is a rare high quality tea and a treat for me to...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks to Teavivre for this sample for tasting! I am so glad that I my enjoyment for unflavored green teas has gone nowhere, even though I can’t get behind flavored ones so much anymore. I think I...” Read full tasting note
  • “I used to drink a lot of Dragonwell at one time. This one is the classic embodiment of what a Dragonwell should be. The leaves are beautiful, flat, sage green, with a heady aroma of green-ness....” Read full tasting note
  • “How is it that I have no tasting note for this? I could have sworn I had it before! This is a free sample provided by Teavivre for review. We haven’t been out for Asian buffet take out in a few...” Read full tasting note

From Teavivre

Growing area: Tiantai Mountain, Zhejiang, China

Dry leaf: Uniform flattened tea leaves, mostly bud with unopened tiny leaf

Aroma: Sweet floral, chestnut

Liquor: Pale yellowish green

Taste: Smooth, sweet and brisk; no hint of bitterness; aftertaste of this tea is pleasant lingering

Tea Tree species:Jiukeng tea tree species

Tea garden: Cangshan Organic Tea Garden

Organic quality, delightful shape, delicate and sweet taste, sip of spring in this Ming Qian Long Jing Tea.

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60 Tasting Notes

1719 tasting notes

This is my third dragon well furnished by Teavivre. Nonpareil according to Wikipedia means ‘without equal’. This is a pre-ming tea. That means this is a rare high quality tea and a treat for me to get to try it.

The leaf is straight, flat, and emerald as it is supposed to be. Once the water hits it the aroma is an amazing steamed spinach. Love the scent. The first thing I noticed about the sip is it is very smooth and mellow. It is slightly sweet and has a milky like feel across the tongue.

I have also had the Superfine and the Premium versions of this tea. Each has the basic Long Jing flavor, yet each is different. This is the most mellow of the three. The Premium had the most bite. Teavivre says this has a chestnut like taste. I am not familiar with the taste of chestnuts, so I can’t verify the similarity. To me it is non-bitter Chinese grassy green tea with a woody/nutty kind flavor. The aftertaste lingers nicely.

It has been 4 days since I have had a good cup of tea. I have been too busy fighting a virus to even care about good tea (today I declare victory over you stupid virus). It was so tempting to just grab a low quality glass out of the fridge. So glad I took the time for this one today. A very nice cup.


That’s funny…to me, nonpareils are those little flat chocolate candies with sprinkles. I was waiting for you to get to the sprinkle part of your review.


you can copy and paste your comment in a new comment, amend it and post it…then you erase your previous comment …I did that a thousand times because of my Frenglish ! :)


Thanks Ysaurella, I have no excuse except I hit post before I look. lol.

Edited comment in English (I hope): Ooooh, I love those! I just didn’t know what they were called. Its kind of the same thing only different. :)


I rarely meet a type of chocolate I don’t like. (Even as we speak, recovering from a coma-like sugar buzz from a Boston Creme Pie cupcake from Smallcakes.)

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2201 tasting notes

Thanks to Teavivre for this sample for tasting! I am so glad that I my enjoyment for unflavored green teas has gone nowhere, even though I can’t get behind flavored ones so much anymore.

I think I oversteeped/overleafed this one a bit. Looking at steeping cup, I meant to only brew it for 1 minute but got distracted and it got an extra 30 seconds, so it is edging on too bitter-greens for me. Still, this is quite tasty. Very nutty and buttery, with a smooth, silky texture. A bit grassy, though I think that is accentuated by the oversteep. I am enjoying the later steeps as well, though for some reason they are still edging on that bitter grassiness. I’ll probably cut the leaf when I try this again; I’ll wait until then to rate it.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 30 sec

There must be a contest for the longest tea name ever imagined that these guys are hoping to enter…

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3294 tasting notes

I used to drink a lot of Dragonwell at one time. This one is the classic embodiment of what a Dragonwell should be. The leaves are beautiful, flat, sage green, with a heady aroma of green-ness. They brew into a pale yellow.

The flavor is sweet & green, with a thickness to the mouth. Delicious.
Thank you Angel & TeaVivre for this lovely & generous sample!

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3522 tasting notes

How is it that I have no tasting note for this? I could have sworn I had it before! This is a free sample provided by Teavivre for review.

We haven’t been out for Asian buffet take out in a few weeks and decided to go tonight. We like to drink a nice green or oolong tea with our meal and this one caught my eye. I put the entire sample packet into my 24 ounce pot, heated the water to 175F, and steeped for just barely over one minute. The tea was so fragrant already! I immediately poured that steep into a tetsubin and resteeped those leaves, again for just a few seconds over one minute.

There is a lovely, light chocolate-y aroma here, as if I had eaten a candy bar and a little chocolate melted on my fingers and I can smell that faint scent. This tea has a lot of body, a vegetal taste, and just enough strength to make it taste super mellow with your food and still really good even without food. It doesn’t get astringent or bitter making it this way. I am rarely a fan of astringency. As I was eating, I noticed that the tea sometimes seemed creamy, without tasting buttery. Lots of body here!

This is a tea of high pedigree, and I would gladly recommend it to the friend who wants to start drinking greens but until last week had never found one she liked. This is a very enjoyable dragonwell!

Thank you, Teavivre, for the marvelous and generous sample!

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1792 tasting notes

I’ve been brewing up a cup here and there over the past couple days, thanks to Heather, who provided me with a sample. I’m still trying to figure out where I stand on Dragon Well.

So far, I’d say this is the most well-balanced straight Dragon Well I’ve had. There’s a balance between the sweet and vegetal flavours. Slightly grassy, slightly buttery, basically what Dragon Wells are all about.

I personally wouldn’t buy any since I’m not a fan of grassy and/or vegetal greens, but it’s always nice to further explore a particular type of tea.


I love the Dragon Well in Butiki’s With Open Eyes but not sure how I like it straight.


Me too! I was actually going to write that in my note. Makes me wonder how her straight Dragon Well compares.


I just got this and another dragon well, so I am keen to see what I think, as I’m not too fond of straight greens.

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807 tasting notes

Thank you Angel for this wonderful sample!!
Full review on today at 6pm central but here are snippets:

When steeped properly there is absolutely no astringency and of course no bitterness. There is also a lovely light sweetness to the flavor that can be detected at different levels through the various steeps. The color is very light so do not be tempted to over steep this lovely tea. Take your time with it and let the flavors be gently caressed out of the leaf with shorter steep times which will provide you a longer and more relaxing brewing session. Green teas like this one from Teavivre are deserving of your time and focus. I do not recommend a tea like this for an out the door on the go tea. You can do that if you wish, but I feel it is cheating the tea from providing all that it has to offer and really just cheating yourself.

The aroma is strong, awakening, and as fresh as a tea can smell. The dry leaf is so pretty and bright green. The flavors range through various steepings from nutty, buttery, vegetal, and salty, but every single steep brings forth the freshest flavors you could imagine.

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871 tasting notes

TODAY is the DAY!!!! It is Grey Cup day!!!!!! And my home town is hosting Grey Cup!!!!!! And the home town team MADE IT!!!!!! Go Riders!!!!!!

For anyone that doesn’t know, the Grey Cup is basically the superbowl but for the CFL (although it is nothing like the superbowl). My home town Roughriders (green and white) are playing the Hamilton TigerCats. Its gonna be aweome! And it is super crazy in the city. I made every effort to run all of my errands on Friday and it took forever, I was out of the house from 11am to 8pm. And then I was going to hide inside all weekend. Away from the crazies, and there are a lot of them, believe me. But then my mom texts me yesterday with a list of things she needed me to pick up for today. Oh man, its nuts out there. Everyone is in a hurry to pick up all the last minute things for the game, or trying to get to the game.

This tea is light and smooth. Today I am finding it to be sweet and the slightest bit floral. It is creamy and buttery. But there is also that nice green vegetal taste. Reminding me of wheat grass today.

So I may be a melon head, and I may bleed green, but I also drink GREEN! Take that Hamilton.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec

Haha I’ll cheer for the Riders for you.


Thanks! Its going to be a great game regardless of the outcome. But I am SURE the Riders will pull it off!


Riders>TigerCats everyday


Well the Riders won!! WOOT! It was all this tea, I know it!! :P

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1184 tasting notes

Thank you to Angel and Teavivre for these wonderful samples.
I am not usually a straight green fan, but I always love the opportunity to try free samples as my tastes are getting more refined toward straight teas.

This is a very good dragon well. Smooth and slightly sweet with that lovely buttery taste. This is probably the best dragon well I have ever tasted. Still probably not something I would order though.
Resteep 2 minutes.

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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4843 tasting notes


I love Teavivre. They have some of the best teas available anywhere. So it probably goes without saying that I find this to be an excellent Dragon Well.

Sweet, vegetative, nutty (chestnuts!) with a nice buttery note. A savory tone that is almost like salt. (Nice contrast) This one holds up well through many infusions too.

Here’s my full-length review:

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761 tasting notes

Thanks first to Angel at Teavivre, who graciously sent me this tea as part of the spring harvest offerings.

I’ll start out by saying that I don’t really think I have a well defined palate for distinguishing subtleties in teas, especially greens. I do my best and try to gage what I taste, based on what others are tasting, and if I can connect the two somehow.

The leaves of this one are simply divine…rich green, broad and flat leaves. The scent coming from the newly opened packet was crisp and fresh, with some vegetal presence. I don’t think I could tell you which vegetables though. I used a bamboo tea spoon in my steeper, and used boiled water that had cooled for a few minutes (I lost track of time so I don’t know exactly how long). I also lack a thermometer so I am unsure of the exact temperature at the time of steeping. I did follow the 1 minute time for western style.

The brew, after a minute, was very very pale. I wondered whether I should have steeped longer. I get a mild tasting green tea, which has some presence and body, but not much. It’s still a bit too hot to get a good sip. I did add a small amount of sugar, less than I usually do. It does have that very savory flavour to it, in that brothy sort of way though, with or without sugar.

I am not an expert of green teas, especially Chinese green teas, and I can’t say as I’ve ever had a Dragon Well before. I feel like I have, a long time ago though. Also, I really have a hard time distinguishing varieties of the same tea. Maybe it is my allergies too. I’d like to have a tasting some time, with someone who knows what to look for in the teas to help me develop my palate sensitivity more.

What do I think of this tea then? I think it is a lovely looking tea, and the taste is smooth from what I can tell right now. I suspect more notes will come out stronger as the tea cools some, so I may come back here and add to this note. I can say that I do like what I have tasted thus far, but I can’t say I am in love. It is something that is a nice change of pace for me though.


Oh! I should bring you my three different Dragon Well batches. I promise you’ll be able to taste the difference, barring that they haven’t grown old! :)


Ok. Thanks!

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