Organic Hangzhou Tian Mu Qing Ding Green Tea

Tea type
Green Tea
Green Tea Leaves
Asparagus, Butter, Chestnut, Honey, Lima Beans, Soybean, Stonefruit, Sugarcane, Umami, Vegetable Broth, Zucchini, Apricot, Cream, Grass, Green Beans, Hay, Honeysuckle, Lettuce, Malt, Mineral, Nectar, Olives, Peas, Pine, Seaweed, Spinach, Squash Blossom, Sweet, Freshly Cut Grass, Smooth, Vegetal, Creamy, Grain, Oats, Spring Water, Beany, Floral, Garden Peas, Vegetables, Fruity, Metallic, Nutty, Olive Oil, Fruit Tree Flowers
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Edit tea info Last updated by TeaVivre
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 1 min, 15 sec 5 g 9 oz / 277 ml

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69 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Long slender olive green dry leaves. They look yellow green when steeped. The scent of the wet leaves is meat and vegetables. How does it do that? Buttery, creamy, and green is how this speaks to...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is a free sample provided by Angel and Teavivre. Thank you! I made this western style tonight to enjoy after supper. Hubby joined me having tea and greens are a bit iffy for him still, being...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m trying to use up what I have stored at work, so I can bring in new tea to try. I’m liking this tea better the second time around. Steeped it for less time and it came out less astringent, and...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another big thank you to Angel and Teavivre for sending me a sample of this tea. What a delightful sample. I was expecting it to be quite light but it actually has a really wonderful aroma and...” Read full tasting note

From Teavivre

Origin: Tianmu Mountain(天目山), Lin’an County, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang, China

Ingredients: One bud with one or two leaves

Taste: Soup is light green color, fresh and mellow flavor

Brew: 1-2 teaspoons for 8oz of water. Brew at 194 ºF (90 ºC) for 1 to 2 minutes (exact time depends on your taste – a longer time will give the tea a stronger taste and color)

Health Benefits: Information from Hunan Agricultural University shows that green tea contains at least 20% to 23% of tea polyphenols, which for some degree could do help to decline blood fat, anti-aging, inhibit tumor, anti-radiation. Meanwhile, organic green tea have more tea polyphenols. Our body could be more healthy as a result of frequently drinking organic green tea.

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69 Tasting Notes

1719 tasting notes

Long slender olive green dry leaves. They look yellow green when steeped. The scent of the wet leaves is meat and vegetables. How does it do that? Buttery, creamy, and green is how this speaks to my senses today. Slightly mineral at the end with just enough of that good kind of bitter in the aftertaste to make you want another sip. This was an excellent choice! Yum!

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3503 tasting notes

This is a free sample provided by Angel and Teavivre. Thank you!

I made this western style tonight to enjoy after supper. Hubby joined me having tea and greens are a bit iffy for him still, being a Tetley-with-milk-and-sugar kind of guy, though that is gradually changing.

The dry leaves had that rich buttery veggie aroma that makes me giddy. I knew this was going to be a treat. I used 194F water and gave the first steep 1min. 30 sec. and the second steep 2 min.

The liquor was a light to medium yellow. The aroma is sweet buttered veggies. The taste is so smooth and sweet. Hubby drank four cups. Not my tiny cups, the medium sized 6 ounce ones! And I had….erp….about six of them.

This resteeped very well. I agree with the person who said that if you like Lung Ching (DragonWell) you will probably Iike this one, I think this is slightly milder, but definitely worth having on hand if you like buttery sweet and smooth green teas.

Thank you, Angel and Teavivre!

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464 tasting notes

I’m trying to use up what I have stored at work, so I can bring in new tea to try.

I’m liking this tea better the second time around. Steeped it for less time and it came out less astringent, and much more buttery! This is the kind of green tea I enjoy. It’s going to be a good Friday morning!

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807 tasting notes

Another big thank you to Angel and Teavivre for sending me a sample of this tea.

What a delightful sample. I was expecting it to be quite light but it actually has a really wonderful aroma and taste! It reminds me of a dragonwell somewhat. There is a sweetness in the aroma of the steeped leaves. It is very juicy in the mouthfeel with a slight peachy floral flavor mixed in with grassy notes and buttery honey notes.

There is a lot going on in this cup! The wet leaves turn out like a dragonwell too but a bit less fluffy and downy.

This is a hardy green too! I got distracted by local news and over steeped this tea in water too hot. I had forgotten I had added water to my Zojirushi and it reboiled so the water on my second steep was at around 208 and then I proceeded to let it steep for at least 3 minutes lol what a mess one would think but nope its still wonderful! A great green for the most “spacey” tea drinkers out there.

I really do like this one. Light, buttery, a little nutty, slightly floral but not too much, with just slight notes of honey and peach.


Sounds great! And that water heater is definitely going on my Christmas wish list!


I love it I am sure you will too. Put a big star next to it on your list :) lol

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174 tasting notes

No one has made any notes about this yet???
I just ordered this as a sample. I opened the little packet and was greeted by a wonderful aroma, it was grassy in a savory way. Like a lawn that was mowed yesterday and today is humid bringing the smell up better. The leaves are long and green.

I brewed this in my 12oz Italian mug. I’m feeling a bit too lazy to do gaiwan style today. The wet leaves turned a beautiful bright green hue and the smell reminded me of a sencha, it was so wonderful. The infusion was very pale with notes of butter.

Taste was fresh and grassy with a floral note, orchid perhaps, and a slight nutty note, chestnut maybe. The texture was silky and creamy yet the tea remained light and fresh. What a wonderful green tea, this is what I like in green teas, this is why I crave them, why I prefer them.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec

Stop it! Stop making me want to order more tea! No, wait! I don’t mean it!

Invader Zim

Buy ALL the tea!


It’s mine!


I’m glad you liked this one. It’s price is not far from the upper limit of my budget or I would have requested this one with the package of samples I got just this weekend. Glad you are the first to review it!

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323 tasting notes

The latest batch of samples courtesy of Angel and Teavivre showed up in my mailbox on Friday, but I didn’t get a chance to try them until after I’d gotten back to school from break.

Break was fantastic, but I’m glad to be back, and trying new teas!

I really like this one. The leaves are bright spinach green, and they smell very vegetal. The taste is also very spinach-y and vegetal, but I like it. It’s kind of like my beloved Dragonwell! Delightful.

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 0 sec

Can you get more free samples beyond the initial 5 or are these some that you paid for?


Teavivre contacted me and said they had free samples to send me.


That’s awesome! They must really like you :)


I suppose so!~

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1379 tasting notes

I thought I had already reviewed this tea but apparently not. Well I’m having some tonight so I may as well write a quick review.

The leaves are thin and long (needle like) and have a sweet yet perfumed scent, also rather mineral. The closest I can think resembling it would be broad bean. I love broad beans :)

First steep – 30 seconds
Extremely mild yet sweet. Has a dry and perfumed after taste. Just a gentle hint of mineal.

Second steep – 50 seconds
More flavour now but remains gentle. Still sweet the the mineral has increased to a nice level in the after taste. Still getting a broad bean vibe. Or maybe sweet pea.

Third Steep – 70 seconds
Yes sweet pea like with a broad bean after taste and some dryness. Overall it’s still very soft and refreshing.

I did review this before, for some reason Steepster said I hadn’t rated or reviewed it before yet when I scrolled down to read other reviews I saw my original one. I hate the new changes, they have made more things worse than better :/

190 °F / 87 °C 6 g 6 OZ / 170 ML

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15 tasting notes

Thank you TeaVivre for this FANTASTIC sample!

Oh my goodness this tea is exquisite! The dry smell is of a buttery green bean with a silky smoothness added to it. I can’t wait to brew this up!

Brewed this tastes exactly like it smells. Of a deep, rich green bean with a smooth and silky butteriness. I am absolutely in love with this tea. Absolutely in love with it. I’ll have to order some of this because it is just amazing.

Overall this tea is an extremely vegetal beautiful tea with a buttery flavor to accompany it. I highly recommend it!

1 min, 0 sec

I really like that one, too! Super clean tasting


Absolutely, it’s wonderful!

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318 tasting notes

I REALLY enjoyed this tea. Very refreshing yet mildly vegetal flavor.

Dry leaves: The dry leaves are a deep green with lots of budsets. They’re rolled into loosely needle-like fashion.

Brewing: Strong vegetable aroma with a slight minty coolness. The tea liquer is extremely clear and green-gold in color. The brewed leaves look healthy and plump, and are largely unbroken.

Tasting: The early infusions are mild and sweet with flavors of cantaloupe and pomelo. The mouthfeel is extremely clean with a slight sparkling quality. As the tea cools it shows a more vegetal side with flavors of green bean and chestnut. Around the third steep, the tea gains a creamier quality with flavors of olive oil, hazelnut, and fig. After the fifth, the tea becomes very light and sweet with crisp flavors of edame and barley.

Thanks Teavivre for this sample!

190 °F / 87 °C 0 min, 15 sec

Sounds cleansing and fresh.


It definitely was! :)

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357 tasting notes

Thank you Angel and Teavivre for yet another generous sample.

This tea is quite nutty in both aroma and taste. The nuttiness is evident in the first steeping whereas the second steeping brings on a smokier flavor. For the third steeping, I got distracted emailing our real estate agent, and left the leaves in for too long so there was some definite bitterness. I’m sure that this was completely “user error” as my other brews had no bitterness – silly me! This is quite a lovely green tea, but it’s not a must-have for my cupboard. As far as pure green tea goes, it seems as though my preference leans towards Japanese green tea (probably out of familiarity).

My Teavivre samples will likely have a much better chance at winning my heart with their non-green teas (so far their organic silver needle white tea is a definite champ with my taste buds). Perhaps I will give the jasmine sample a try tomorrow. While sorting through my untried teas, I sniff at that jasmine packet like a bloodhound on a hot trail. So hopefully tomorrow will be the morning that I grab that pack out of my bag of goodies while I’m practicing my half-asleep morning tea making ritual…I’m rooting for it!

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