Rising Steadily Flower Tea

Tea type
Flowering Tea
Flowers, Green Tea Leaves
Flowers, Honey
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Average preparation
Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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  • “The liquor is a light pinky amber and the flavour is as soft like nibbling on a flower. It doesn’t taste like much at first but then the floral honey sweetness creeps in. I barely taste the tea in...” Read full tasting note
  • “MY TEAVIVRE SAMPLES CAME IN! I’m so excited! This blooming tea was something I was really looking forward to, as I had never had one before and they always look so cool! Unfortunately I don’t have...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown (618)! I don’t remember exactly when I got this tea from Teavivre but it was definitely from this year at some point… I finally bought myself a glass teapot; until this point I’ve been...” Read full tasting note
  • “It’s time for next flowering tea. I’m as excited as previously. Opening of the flower was really funny to watch (great if you host tea parties or something). This one opened differently than...” Read full tasting note

From Teavivre

Origin: Fuding, Fujian, China

Ingredients: Made of Silver Needle Green Tea, Globe Amaranth and Jasmine

Taste: A fragrant, sweet taste, lingering flower scent mixed with tea flavor

Brew: Brew a single tea bundle in a clear glass in boiling water

Health Benefits: Thanks to the combination of green tea leaves, various natural blossoms, blooming tea has many health benefits such as delaying the ageing of cells, whitening the skins, improving immunity etc. Jasmine flower has the benefits for refreshing mind, aiding weight loss, clearing the throat, and eliminating freckles and wrinkles. It also shares some other functions with ordinary tea. Globe amaranth flower Efficacious for nourishing one’s looks, taking good care of skin.

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4 Tasting Notes

1445 tasting notes

The liquor is a light pinky amber and the flavour is as soft like nibbling on a flower. It doesn’t taste like much at first but then the floral honey sweetness creeps in. I barely taste the tea in this one. It’s mostly amaranth and subtle, but sweet, jasmine. It’s a delicate tea. It got a little sour as it cooled.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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176 tasting notes

MY TEAVIVRE SAMPLES CAME IN! I’m so excited! This blooming tea was something I was really looking forward to, as I had never had one before and they always look so cool! Unfortunately I don’t have a nice fancy glass teapot but I do have a really large glass mug.

WOW THIS IS LIKETHE COOLEST EVER!? The flower literally opens up into 3 full blooms its insane IT IS SO TALL WOW my mug is JUST TALL ENOUGH TO HOLD ITS FULL HEIGHT. DANG. It’s so pretty! I kinda had a fear that the bloom wouldn’t be as cool as it is in photos, you know? BUT IT’S SUPER COOL.

Okay I think I over-steeped slightly because I spent so much time just looking at it and taking pictures HAH but it still tastes great! Very light and flowery, smooth and slightly sweet. Giving the rating extra points for the EXPERIENCE though because that was AWESOME.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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17027 tasting notes

Sipdown (618)!

I don’t remember exactly when I got this tea from Teavivre but it was definitely from this year at some point…

I finally bought myself a glass teapot; until this point I’ve been steeping flowering teas in a glass gaiwan or a larger glass mug and that’s worked ok but there’s something much nicer in having a larger glass pot. It was a whole in my teaware collection I’ve known I need to fill for a while. This was my first time using the pot for a flowering tea though (not the first time in general though) and it WAS pretty magical watching the bloom unfurl in the pot. However, even with the pot completely filled to the top with water this particular bloom just REFUSED to sink to the bottom of the top. I think it was too top heavy or something? I just know those beautiful pink/purple amaranth balls kept leaning to the left and taking the whole bloom with them…

Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/BosF6RPFlLF/?taken-by=ros_strange

So, I don’t think it was as pretty as it could have been.

Taste wise, it was delightfully soft and silky though! Really gentle, mild notes – even after the bloom had been submerged in the water for a long time. Bitterness is definitely a very really concern with blooming teas, but that just didn’t happen with this tea at all. Definitely a big positive! Apart from just a general delicate sweetness and calming presence, the taste was obviously very floral – jasmine dominant/as the key floral flavour. I also felt like there was a TINY bit of elderflower-type sweetness though. Plus some of the grassy/beany taste of the green tea.

It was a nice experience; I’m glad I got to share the pot with family too – that made it a little more special for me.

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63 tasting notes

It’s time for next flowering tea. I’m as excited as previously. Opening of the flower was really funny to watch (great if you host tea parties or something). This one opened differently than Family Happiness flower that I reviewed last time. It started opening on the surface instead sinking to the bottom, but then surprisingly the ‘tea part’ dropped to the bottom and flower vine left floating upright, it was almost like yoyo. I’m really looking towards to the other ones, how might they open.
This is really flowery tea, you can smell and taste the flowers. It is really sweet too. Liquid has golden colour. Overall pretty good tasting tea, since I think taste is minor point I will focus more on the looks of the flower than taste.

Flavors: Flowers, Honey


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