Sour Cherry Serenade

Tea type
Black Fruit Green Blend
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205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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  • “I have been hoarding this tea ever since I found out it was discontinued. It’s one of my absolute favorites; I love sour and tart, and this has sour and tart all over it. I’m not always a cherry...” Read full tasting note
  • “hibiscus blossoms, apple bits, sour cherries, orange peels…can you cram any MORE sour and tart factors into this one? LOL Yes! It’s the day of challenges for me today! The day where I will try...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m kind of confused by all of the terrible reviews on this; I quite like it. Then again, I love anything sour, but I don’t find this to be overwhelmingly sour. There’s a slight hint of sweet...” Read full tasting note
  • “Had this iced while shopping today. I had the gal at Teavana make it for me. They use a large amount of leaf to make their iced tea. The liqour was a deep, dark burgundy. Very tart, sour cherry...” Read full tasting note

From Teavana

A rich and flavorful blend of black and green tea sets the stage for an orchestra of flavor. Sour cherries stand out as the soloist in this sweet and sour symphony of tea. This tea in particular is pefect iced or delicious hot. It’s your choice.

How to Prepare
Use 1 teaspoon of tea per 8 ounces of water. Heat water to 175 degrees and steep tea for 1-2 minutes. 2oz of tea equals 25-30 teaspoons.

Black tea, green tea, hibiscusRead more

About Teavana View company

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16 Tasting Notes

902 tasting notes

I have been hoarding this tea ever since I found out it was discontinued. It’s one of my absolute favorites; I love sour and tart, and this has sour and tart all over it. I’m not always a cherry fan, but I adore those little sour cherries. I can taste a hint of the black tea underneath all the flavors, but it does brew up to be a beautiful cherry pink-red. Love, love, love this and would love to have more of it.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
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Meghann M 14 years ago

It was discontinued? I wonder if it is too late to find it at my local Teavana. Although I don’t remember if I loved this tea, I want more because it’s going away. I will have to check on Friday when I’m out that way!

Jaime 14 years ago

That’s what the website said. If they have some, will you buy me some and I’ll pay you back? I doubt I’ll be anywhere near a Teavana in the next 6 months.

Meghann M 14 years ago

Certainly. I remember some tins were sold out last time I was there, so I’ll cross my fingers that they have a few ounces left!

Jaime 14 years ago

You’re the best!!

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6768 tasting notes

hibiscus blossoms, apple bits, sour cherries, orange peels…can you cram any MORE sour and tart factors into this one? LOL

Yes! It’s the day of challenges for me today! The day where I will try anything and really taste outside my comfort zone! :)

Knowing that I don’t usually like tarty teas and noting a lot of the negative reviews on this I saw the suggested infusion time of 1-2 minutes. I went about 60-70 seconds. I might even go a little less next time. BUT…it’s not bad if you like sour. I am basing this review mostly on the fact that it is-what-it-is…it’s SOUR…but most people would only try this if that is what ‘floats their boat’ so I am keeping that in mind.

On the other hand – most sour teas freak me out…this one isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I’m drinking it hot…but honestly, I think COLD it would be fairly good.

It says it’s a flavored black but I can’t taste the black tea for the life of me. I would basically just say tarty-fruity herbal.

Regardless it’s not as bad as I thought it would be, or could be. I will try this iced at some point…based on all of the above and that it surprised me like it did I will score a little higher…

200 °F / 93 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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355 tasting notes

I’m kind of confused by all of the terrible reviews on this; I quite like it. Then again, I love anything sour, but I don’t find this to be overwhelmingly sour. There’s a slight hint of sweet cherry (not the medicinal kind) and then the sourness dances on the tongue and down the throat.

I taste more green tea in this than I do black.

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558 tasting notes

Had this iced while shopping today. I had the gal at Teavana make it for me. They use a large amount of leaf to make their iced tea. The liqour was a deep, dark burgundy. Very tart, sour cherry flavor, really covered up the black tea base. Great for an iced tea. Wouldn’t buy a whole 2oz though. Maybe with more water to leaf ratio it would be more to my liking.

LiberTEAS 15 years ago

I tasted a sample of this – but I wasn’t that impressed with it. Way too sour for my liking.

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126 tasting notes

Okay I tried this again today, decided to give it a full work out to see if it improves.

No it doesn’t. Not temp, not adding sugar, nothing works for this. I like sour, I love sour, but this is just kinda gross. I’m disappointed. :-(

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58 tasting notes

This is sour, as the name claims. I’m not a fan.

I think I actually made the red Steepster face when I took my first sip.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

At least I wasn’t the only one…altho…I think I was overly generous with the review I posted…lol…yours is more on the mark!

Mandy Bee 15 years ago

lol Yeah, you’re definitely not the only one. I still haven’t figured out the appeal of these hot kool-aid teas.

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

I think I have one infusing at the moment…I’ll try nearly everything at least once…lol…doesn’t mean I have to give it a 2nd try…lol…am I right!? :P

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12 tasting notes

Well, it’s definitely sour, but that’s about it. If this tea had more body, I think it would be a lot better, but nothing I’ve mixed it with seems to help in this area without completely destroying what little flavor there is. I think it might be the green tea they have in there. If it were all black, I might like it more. As it is now, picking the rehydrated cherries out of the wet leaves has proved tastier than the actual drink.

The smell, on the other hand, is heavenly. However, I cannot drink a smell. I think I might put the rest in a bag and hide it in my car somewhere as an air freshener.

JustDuckyInNE 15 years ago

Very snarky! I like it!

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127 tasting notes

Preparation Details:
Zarafina Tea Maker: Black, Loose, Medium, 2 cups water, 4 scoops tea
Sweetened with rock sugar, then iced.

Definitely sour and puckery, but I like sour and puckery. The cherry is very strong, much stronger than the black tea flavor. I can’t seem to decide if I like this better iced or hot. I think it’s less puckery when it’s iced.

I know from experience that a second infusion would taste like black tea and have no cherry, so I don’t bother.

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54 tasting notes

One of my old favorites. We used to drink this while playing card games over the coffee table.

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3 tasting notes

Smells absolutely amazing in the tin, but taste-wise, there’s not a whole lot going on. I love all things sour/tart, and this definitely hits the spot in that regard – I actually steep it for about 4 minutes (note that my cup is rather large, though) and any less than that it seems a little too watery. There’s an immediate tart flavor and a nice sweet aftertaste. Not a bad tea but I wish there was more body to it and more discernable flavors.

4 min, 0 sec

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