Sipdown no. 149 of the year 2014.
I’ve been drinking this one down gradually, interspersed with other things, and had intended to write a note about it this weekend but then Earthlink went kablooey. (Shakes fist at sky.)
I had rated this fairly high initially, I think because I was coming off of a lot of bad flavored green tea experiences and this one was better by comparison. But now that I’ve had a lot of really nicely done flavored green teas, I am dropping this one down a bit. Chocolate in green tea didn’t sound good to me (and I only bought this because I was in a phase where I was buying everything with the word chocolate in it) and I recall being surprised that it was as tasty as it was. After drinking it more, though, I started to become aware of its downsides.
The primary one is that chocolate in green tea didn’t sound good to me because it’s not really the best and highest use of both flavors. Chocolate ought to be rich and luscious, and green tea ought to be refreshing and light but tasty. Their purposes in life are different, in my view. The chocolate here doesn’t overpower the green tea, but that’s part of the problem. It has to hold back to avoid doing so. And the green tea here doesn’t add to the richness of the chocolate and in fact works against it.
Bumping it down a few points. I wouldn’t buy it again, though that’s irrelevant now, as Teavana has apparently discontinued it.