Banana Shake

Tea type
Black Tea
Banana, Black Tea, Calendula, Natural Flavours, Sunflowers
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Loose Leaf
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Provenance : Sri Lanka

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3 Tasting Notes

561 tasting notes

I definitely notice a slight banana flavor mixed with black tea. It’s not too shabby as a latte. Glad it was just a sample though.

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1792 tasting notes

I ordered this as a sample and ended up getting an additional one as a freebie, so I had two chances to try this. The first time I tried it with milk and the banana flavour was nearly cancelled out entirely by the dairy. No banana ice cream, sadly.

This time around, I’m having it as is and while the banana is present, it’s still nearly unnoticeable, this time being overshadowed by the base, which is quite strong. It’s a little bold, like a breakfast blend. I agree with VariaTEA that it has an earthy tone going on.

Overall, disappointing for a banana tea.

Evol Ving Ness 8 years ago

Only worse thing than not enough vanilla is not enough banana.

Fjellrev 8 years ago


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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (174)

So the downside of samples? One shot and its done. This is one of those times where I made the sample and got all excited only to burn my tongue and now I am unable to taste the tea. I get bits here and there but I need to concentrate. I definitely am getting a great banana flavor, sort of reminiscent of a 52 Teas banana flavor, but it is muddled by the base which is a little gritty/earthy/dirty. That sounds worse than I intend it to because it really isn’t that bad but those are the best terms I have to describe this tea.

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