Organic Marrakesh Mint
by Teaopia- Tea type
- Green Tea
- Ingredients
- Not available
- Flavors
- Not available
- Sold in
- Not available
- Caffeine
- Not available
- Certification
- Not available
- Edit tea info Last updated by joannasimion
Average preparation
Currently unavailable
We don't know when or if this item will be available.
Sorry for the cliffs notes there. Off to bed after a LONG day
Night night
I wish it was still night night Bonnie. Never enough sleep these days :)
Is there a reason you put your rating in the notes instead of with the tea?
Rachel, for some reason my browser insists haha. The little bar with smiley face just doesn’t show up when I submit a note from my laptop.
Ahh okay. When I’m on my iPad or iPhone I know the little bar is hard to get working.
Hmmm. I’m guessing it’s a flash feature some browser versions have yet to catch up with
Green disappears…I think it wants salad. (I know, I’m not being helpful)
LOL Bonnie I want salad to. Love my salad :P