
Tea type
Herbal Tea
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Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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7 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Oh…. I should have known that the hibiscus would ruin this one :( The dry tea smells just like sangria, and is oh so sweet and winey and delicious, but steeped up, it’s a whole host of tart,...” Read full tasting note
  • “SIPDOWN! i wish i could drink this. I had a sip of it and it was tasty because i’m not a hibiscus hater but oh. my. god. the aroma of this tea seeped reminds me of walking in to a bath shop…like...” Read full tasting note
  • “I cold steeped this for about 4 hours. I figured no matter what it looked like it was going to taste like hibiscus, and I want something cold now. It did smell like sangria when I poured it into...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you Kittenna for this sample. :) It’s feeding time in my household and all 4 of my kitties are letting me know how hungry they are. They have that ‘I haven’t eaten in days and I’m wasting...” Read full tasting note

From Teaopia

This summertime favourite has been transformed into a delicious Fruit Tea. Our Sangria consists of apple pieces, hibiscus, grapes, orange peel, papaya pieces, pineapple pieces, mango pieces, strawberry slices, lemon peel and lemongrass.

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7 Tasting Notes

6107 tasting notes

Oh…. I should have known that the hibiscus would ruin this one :( The dry tea smells just like sangria, and is oh so sweet and winey and delicious, but steeped up, it’s a whole host of tart, overwhelming hibiscus (with a background of fruity flavours, and a definite citrus twist). And that’s only with a three-minute infusion. Think of the horror it could be at 5 minutes. Or more! It was certainly still drinkable, for sure, but as a newly realized hibiscus-disliker, it’s a bit much. I tried sweetening it with a bunch of sugar, and the result (while hot) was a bit too reminiscent of vomit for my liking. I left the cup sit while I went to work, and drinking it now, it’s actually really not so bad. Tastes much, much more like sangria. The hibiscus is tamed a bit, so the result is fruity and citrusy, with a bit of a fruity wine flavour. So, lesson learned, this one’s best for icing, with sweetener. (However, I’d much prefer to get rid of it, so if anyone’s interested….?)

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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15257 tasting notes


i wish i could drink this. I had a sip of it and it was tasty because i’m not a hibiscus hater but oh. my. god. the aroma of this tea seeped reminds me of walking in to a bath shop…like LUSH…where all i do is sneeze and want to get the hell out of there (sorry LUSH lovers!). The taste does not compute with the aroma of this one and my head can’t get past it. Thanks to kittenna for this sample.


It’s very much a sangria-like aroma, IMO. I liked the aroma but not the flavour, haha.


i think my nose is different than your nose. this doesn’t smell like any sangria that i’ve ever had…and uh this one time, i had a lot. back in my wild crazy hay days. is it hey days? like heeeeeeyyyy yo? or hay is for horses day. who knows. crap i’m totally rambling.


Yes, high probability of different noses :P It does smell like some sangria I’ve had, which is why I purchased it in the first place. The hibiscus just ruined it for me.

And I’m pretty sure it’s heyday :)


lol yeah…. probably. did i mention it’s been a long day? cleaning up issues at work from thrs/fri – didn’t actually do anything useful!

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1220 tasting notes

I cold steeped this for about 4 hours. I figured no matter what it looked like it was going to taste like hibiscus, and I want something cold now. It did smell like sangria when I poured it into the jar.

I added honey, since that’s the best thing there is to use at my boyfriend’s, wow, don’t even bother in a cold tea unless you like to stir for 5 minutes. I think there may have been some kind of contamination with this one? It tastes nutty. I honestly do not have that many teas that are nutty so I am confused.

If I slow down on a sip it’s actually the fruit flavors all turning into that…there is so much going on it has like a peanut taste to it. It starts off tart, then I get mango and pineapple, maybe a couple other things, and it fades into what seriously tastes like peanuts and then back into so tart it tastes metallic.

The honey at least brought out the fruit. The jar is still about 1/3 full and I think I am just going to dump it. This isn’t enjoyable and it does not taste like sangria at all. Thankfully I used all I had on this steep.

Thanks, Kittenna!


Bleh, this one smelled so much like Sangria, but the flavour just did not match. I don’t think I even like it sweetened. Sigh.

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1379 tasting notes

Thank you Kittenna for this sample. :)

It’s feeding time in my household and all 4 of my kitties are letting me know how hungry they are. They have that ‘I haven’t eaten in days and I’m wasting away’ look on their little fluffy faces which any pet owner can relate with. I’m on the sofa not feeling well still so it’s about time I got up and killed two birds with one stone…so to horribly speak… by feeding my angels and making a cuppa at the same time. The Sangria was sent from Kittenna as part of a trade and it was the first one I pulled out of the bag to try.

It smells a little fruity raw but without much of anything else to really say about it other than it looks like dried fruit bits. A long steep of 6 mins as advised and I can note it forms a strong red colour with a slight fruity and somewhat winey fragrance.

First sip in and I can taste hibiscus…not exactly what I was hoping for. Beyond the hibiscus there is a fruity element that reminds me of grapes and apple so we have sour from hibiscus, sweet from the fruit and also a herbal touch which I can assume may be from the lemongrass.

It’s not sangria as such but I wouldn’t say it was a bad try. Definitely a summer time tea and it may even be better iced. The balance is mostly what ruins the tea as it’s very hibiscus heavy but it’s not the worst hibiscus tea I have tried. It’s at least manageable.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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95 tasting notes

This was the last of my iced tea pack, and I was consciously saving it for last as I had assumed that it would be my favourite (I seriously love sangria). I am however rather disappointed.
I cold steeped for about 18 hours, probably longer than necessary but that tends to be what I average for cold brewing so nothing out of the ordinary. The colour and smell are gorgeous, a deep ruby red and a wonderfully fruity smell. The hibiscus took over however, and the predominant taste is like sour cherries and makes me pucker a little bit…
I will still drink it and it is still fruity and refreshing, but it has been the worst of my cold brewing experiments, and an overall let down…

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606 tasting notes

I’m visiting my in-laws (I’ve got the greatest in-laws ever!) and my mother-in-law is in love with this tea, so I thought I’d give it a try.
The colour steeped is so beautiful. It’s a deep pink colour that actually reminds me of the Kanpe tea colour when steeped. Taste was tart but also a lovely fruity taste. I really enjoyed this tea. I’d probably have it again.
My mum-in-law has hugely stocked up on this one. I’m glad she loves it so much!

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25 tasting notes

I didnt really like this tea. I found it to be way too tart for my liking.

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