Irish Whiskey

Tea type
Black Tea
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Almond, Artificial, Chocolate, Coconut, Dark Wood, Irish Cream, Tannin, Whiskey
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9 Tasting Notes View all

  • “A surprise sample of this arrived from gmathis and I was especially excited to try it now that we are having an actual cool evening! The aroma is very rich, nice and boozy with chocolate. The...” Read full tasting note
  • “Rich, chocolatey aroma. I dunno if there is chocolate flavoring in this or if it’s only cocoa beans but I get some of that coconutty smell from chocolate scratch-n-sniff stickers and maybe almond....” Read full tasting note
  • “Not to rub it in, but it was a delicious 54 degrees this morning. Don’t you just love that first turn in the weather when you trot out the teas you’ve been craving after a sweltering summer? This...” Read full tasting note

From TeaMaze

If you can’t be in Ireland, drinking this tea is the next best thing! Black tea, cocoa beans, and whiskey flavoring will carry you to the Emerald Isle. You will love this tea – or as they say in Ireland, “Beidh tu gra an tae!”
Steeping Instructions: 1 tsp. Tea leaves for 8 oz. of 208 degree water. Steep for 4 minutes then re-steep with the same leaves as desired.

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9 Tasting Notes

3519 tasting notes

A surprise sample of this arrived from gmathis and I was especially excited to try it now that we are having an actual cool evening!

The aroma is very rich, nice and boozy with chocolate. The chocolate does not have the weird aroma that Ashman hates but I am making a just-for-me cup tonight and will have a other tomorrow morning. The base of this lends itself very well to breakfast as it has that slight briskness that makes it a little stimulating.

I find it similar to O’Connor’s Cream, which is slightly less brisk to me and a little creamier, whereas this one has a little more flavor from the base tea I think.

Thank you for the very welcome sample, gmathis!

gmathis 3 years ago

I thought they were similar, too.

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1655 tasting notes

Rich, chocolatey aroma. I dunno if there is chocolate flavoring in this or if it’s only cocoa beans but I get some of that coconutty smell from chocolate scratch-n-sniff stickers and maybe almond. It also smells like irish cream . Taste is about the same intensity as the aroma, brisk, a little oily, reminds me of an irish coffee. So what did I do for this cold, wet evening? I added a half shot of bourbon (no Irish whiskey in the house) and a dab of thiiiick Three Trees vanilla almond milk. The bourbon overpowered everything, but now I’m sufficiently wound down from an exciting day. A Kiki review will be incoming when she’s in the mood for a black tea. Thanks, gmathis :)

Flavors: Almond, Artificial, Chocolate, Coconut, Dark Wood, Irish Cream, Tannin, Whiskey

gmathis 4 years ago

It is a lovely cold weather brew!

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3011 tasting notes

Not to rub it in, but it was a delicious 54 degrees this morning. Don’t you just love that first turn in the weather when you trot out the teas you’ve been craving after a sweltering summer? This one is a cocoa-y, bourbon-y treat. I wish I could say it curbs my chocolate cravings; unfortunately, it prompts them.

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OMGsrsly 5 years ago

I am extremely jealous. It’s nice outside (except for the smoke) but my apartment is a sweltering humid mess.

gmathis 5 years ago

Sorry about the air quality. I’d ship you a bottle of clean Missouri fog if I could!

OMGsrsly 5 years ago

Haha no worries. It’s raining today which is great. The air is so much clear-er. And also it’s cooler out.

Mastress Alita 5 years ago

The air here is awful too. It’s been triggering my migraines like crazy and both me and my kitty are wheezy. I’ve been trying to get an air filter to run inside but they have been a hot ticket item (unsurprisingly). Glad you are seeing some clearer skies!

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