Cold Brew Sipdown (1015)!
This is Forever Nuts – and I knew when I got the sampler that it was Forever Nuts from the ingredients list, but you can’t opt out of just one sample, so…
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, as has been pointed out here on Steepster many times before, Forever Nuts is a blend carried by many tea companies under different names and sometimes with very slight variations. I don’t believe there have been any variations made here.
I like Forever Nuts well enough, though it’s not my favourite. I did go through a “Forever Nuts” phase as I think many DT fans often go through. As a cold brew, the cinnamon and sweet roasted almond notes come through a lot, with just a bit of apple to round it out and sweeten it up. It tastes like an apple fritter or some kind of apple crumble. Very refreshing, easy to sip on, and not disagreeable at all.
Personally, I have amazing (and cheap) access to Forever Nuts whenever I want it just by way of working at DT so this isn’t something that I’d buy from another company. Just doesn’t make sense for me personally. I think the name here is really fun, though! I’ve never seen another company sort of take this direction for the blend, and I like it.