Blueberry Acai

Tea type
White Tea
Blueberry, Sugar, White Tea
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Average preparation
Boiling 8 oz / 236 ml

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From Tea Drops

Our Acai Blueberry Tea is the fruity flavor of the family. If you like it ice-y, our Blueberry Acai will keep you refreshed all day long.

Some sediment at the bottom of your cup is expected and drinkable. Lightly sweetened with organic cane sugar.

Organic White Peony Tea, Organic Wild Blueberry Powder, Organic Acai Powder, Organic Raw Cane Sugar.

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3 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (212)

Actually I dumped this. It’s too sweet and doesn’t taste like blueberry or açai. Just sugar. Not a fan so down the drain it went. Much like the other Tea Drops I had.

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128 tasting notes

Leaves: heart shaped cube

Measuring Spoon: no

Steep: instant

Aroma: not sure

Color: burgundy

Clarity: Good

Taste: Unlike the other teas this one had much better clarity as I could see the sediment at the bottom of my cup. As for the aroma I’m not sure exactly what it smells like. As for flavor it was very light and bland this time around even the sweetness wasn’t really there either but imo I feel it had more flavor than the matcha drop. This is the last of my Tea Drop flavors I had to review. Overall, I think the company concept is really cool & makes it easier to have a cup of tea anytime. But in terms of the taste within the varieties is where it’s lacking. Also sometimes you might want that last sip of tea but might not be able to have it due to the sediment settling at the bottom of the cup. For ease of use and visual (shapes) 5/5, Taste overall 2.5/5 with citrus ginger being the best flavor

Boiling 8 OZ / 236 ML

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17008 tasting notes

This one was… fine!?

I mean, I didn’t hate it or find it undrinkable but it was DEFINITELY the worst culprit in terms of gritty sludge-y particles left at the bottom of the cup from the melted drop. Plus, it literally just tasted like weak/watered down fruity sugar water. So bad? No, but not interesting AT ALL either.

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