Lapsang Souchong

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Black Tea
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6 Tasting Notes View all

From Tea Cozy

Unforgettable smoky flavour and aroma. Large leaves are smoked slowly over pine woods to obtain its destinctive flavour. Ours is a fine quality you can taste.

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6 Tasting Notes

2970 tasting notes

It is going to be one of those days I think.
I got home from work last night to discover my side gate standing open, and a package that UPS said was delivered not actually delivered. I suspect mail theft, as its happened before. And it was tea in that package! Argh!
A few nights ago as well I think I heard someone creeping through my side yard in the middle of the night, also not the first time that would have happened.
Hmm. Maybe time to think about moving.
This morning I woke with a headache, and decided this would be a good brew. And it was, but my steeper basket came open, and all the leaf got loose in the cup.
So, yay today. Grumble.


Stay safe!


I’m thinking a booby trap I the side yard might be in order…some string with metal cans attached that will make a nice banging and clanging when they walk through it! Sorry this happened to you. Thieving makes me ANGRY. Someone stole my front porch rocking chairs between midnight and 6 am once and I refuse to replace them because I don’t want to have to worry about them.


That’s just mean. I have no patience with people who don’t play nice.

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106 tasting notes

Smells of smoke. Partner freaked out with the smell.

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