Berry Chai Infusion

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Black Chai Fruit Blend
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From Tazo

Combines Chai Tea concentrate with a proprietary blend of aronia berry (tart berry similar to cranberry) and black currant (dark colored berry with a sharp, sweet taste) juice.

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2 Tasting Notes

16 tasting notes

This. Was. Foul. I ended up dumping the thing out, because I could NOT choke it down. Just. Ugh, no, not a good mixture of flavors at ALL. :p

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115 tasting notes

I made the mistake of ordering a chai and thinking it was similar to a regular tea with milk (still getting into this whole tea thing). So being that I have come to discover I’m not the biggest fan of chai, I don’t think this review will be all that helpful. However, the tea has a good creamy consistency (I assume this is characteristic of most chais) and the berry flavors come through strongly. I can’t quite pick out what the actual berries are but they are fairly tart and strong and must be darker berries given the brownish purple color of the tea. If you like chai and tart, sweet berries, this may be for you. If you don’t like the spices of chai…I would pretty much stay away from chai in general.

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