Aracha Takusen

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Green Tea
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  • “REVIEW: ARACHA TOKUSEN GREEN TEA I bought this tea at an import market here in Vegas. It comes loose leaf and vacuum packed into a foil-lined, 7 oz package. It’s called simply Green Tea because...” Read full tasting note

From Takaokaya

This is a pre-sorted ARA CHA blend of first picked tea. It is FUKAMUSHI CHA blended with KUKI CHA and KONA CHA. It is the mixture of KUKI CHA’s smoothness. KONA CHA’s deep aroma and FUKAMUSHI CHA’s rich taste that produces such a delicious tea.

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1 Tasting Note

53 tasting notes


I bought this tea at an import market here in Vegas. It comes loose leaf and vacuum packed into a foil-lined, 7 oz package.

It’s called simply Green Tea because it’s a blend of Fukamushi cha, kukicha and kona cha. The aroma is nice. I brewed it for only a minute or so and enjoyed the flavor.

The flavor was pleasant- nothing special, though. The body was relatively smooth.
I’ve enjoyed other greens more, but as I sipped I was thinking this would be fine as an everyday tea.

Then I got to the final few sips and suddenly it became extremely astringent, like the most extreme brut wine. Yikes! I seriously couldn’t drink anymore- it was a totally different experience in the space of 10 minutes or so.

So…since it was nice until the last bit, I won’t give up on it. I’ll fiddle with temperature, amount of tea and brew time, and – maybe drink it quickly! At $16.99 I’m not throwing it out.

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