Coffee T

Tea type
Black Tea
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195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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2 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This is actually being discontinued, I was just curious to try it to see if it was as awful as I remember. Yes. Yes it was. In fact my tasting note I jotted down for this just said...” Read full tasting note

From t Leaf T

All the benefits of tea kissed with coffee beans and cream

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2 Tasting Notes

220 tasting notes

This is actually being discontinued, I was just curious to try it to see if it was as awful as I remember. Yes. Yes it was. In fact my tasting note I jotted down for this just said “Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???”. This tasted like burnt coffee, with that ingredient that seems to be in all the teas I hate: dried yoghurt pieces. I thought I could bring out the creamyness by adding milk, but it just made the bitter coffee taste more pronounced. A fine example of when gimmicky flavoured teas go horribly wrong!

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Reshmi Roy 8 years ago

Hey hello Reshmi roy from bhopal , I am Independent bhopal provide the best service and I like luxury life with in the bhopal gentlemen.

famipetvn 6 years ago

Những chú mèo xinh xắn như những người bạn nhỏ của chúng ta. Chúng cũng ăn uống, cũng đi vệ sinh, cũng ngủ nghỉ. Chính vì vậy, những đồ dùng cho mèo chuyên dụng sẽ đem lại cho chúng một cuộc sống dễ chịu hơn.
Hãy đến Shop Cho Mèo tại FamiPet để sắm những vật dụng cho mèo tiện dụng nhất!!

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