Fabulous Feijoa

Tea type
Green Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Miss Sweet
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190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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From t Leaf T

Green tea mingled with rose and New Zealand Feijoa. Truly a treat for feijoa lovers.

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5 Tasting Notes

3503 tasting notes

Sandy was practically daring me to try this, so I made a tiny cup of it. She really, really, REALLY did not like this tea! I thought I was smelling menthol or camphor when I sniffed the dry leaves, but upon making the tea I find that I am tasting only green tea and wintergreen. In fact, I could easily believe that I made a cup of green tea and stirred in a teaspoonful of Ben-Gay. Good thing I like the smell of Ben-Gay!

I have never had (or until Sandy bought this, HEARD of) Feijoa so I looked at her link to the Wiki article. It mentions hints of guava, strawberries, etc. but all I get is wintergreen. The wintergreen taste is high in the nose and softly fills your mouth but it isn’t as strong as peppermint can sometimes be in tea. Overall, I like this pretty well, and Sandy says, “You can HAVE it!”. Thank you! I shall enjoy it!

Edited to add: Since Sandy cautioned me that this tea frightened her horribly, I steeped it very conservatively, using about 175 degree water for three minutes.


I cannot believe you like it, but I am glad someone does.

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61 tasting notes

This tea is scaring me. I had Feijoa in icecream and enjoyed it. I don’t think I like it in my tea. If you haven’t heard of feijoa before http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acca_sellowiana

I think the distinctive odor of the fruit is what throws me off about this tea. It is the only thing I can smell and I don’t find it to be a particularly inviting smell. I can’t decide if it tastes bad to me or just unusually foreign. So I am not going to rate but just say you really should be a feijoa lover to enjoy this tea. I think I will leave my feijoa to icecream.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 30 sec

Eep! Don’t try to get the Ashman to drink any of it! It may replace Evening in Missouli in his nightmares….


it may give me nightmares

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1 tasting notes

Smells like Feijoa, very much so! Can’t say there is much of a flavor for feijoa though. By the time I have added enough to get any hint of it, it is one very strong and bitter green tea.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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338 tasting notes

Delicious as an iced tea, but you have to really be a feijoa fan to appreciate the distinctive taste this brew will have :)

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16 tasting notes

Pretty grassy and mild green tea. I can taste the feijoa a bit as I swallow, and afterwards. You will probably only recognize it if you’ve had a real feijoa before, it’s an interesting taste! I quite like it, though my mother hates it. Haha. I’d ask for a sample first to see if it’s for you, and it also comes in a mini tin for home-sampling.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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