Headache Healer

Tea type
Herbal Rooibos Blend
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Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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From T Kettle

Melt tension away, help is on the way. Balanced rooibos with hints of lightly lemon mint.

Behold the Headache Healer! Also known as the Migraine Melter or Tension Tamer, this blend truly has the stuff to deliver the goods. Packed with antioxidant-rich rooibos, anti-inflammatory nettle, and stress-busting lavender – Headache Healer delivers what you need to put an end to the pounding.

Rooibos, Spearmint, Lemongrass, Nettle, Lavender, Passion flower, Lemon verbena, Rose petals, Mallow flower.

About T Kettle View company

T. Kettle offers a large, premium assortment of original and new loose-leaf tea blends naturally sourced, certified vegan, kosher, and organic yielding rich flavours.

1 Tasting Note

16975 tasting notes

A less good Headache Halo…

This one makes me about as sad the the Bee The Change dupe made me – I watched my coworker put so much effort and research into creating Headache Halo. That blend was deeply personal to her, with origins reaching back to her childhood. Seeing it recreated so blatantly (and poorly) just feels gross.

The taste on this is just very unbalanced – it’s a whole lot of spearmint and nettle in a way that comes off as a little skunky/too herbaceous and also cloyingly sweet and coating. If they had dialed back some of the ingredient ratios, maybe this would taste alright. But I just find this to be a messy blend overall.


:/ Sad again for you and your coworker.

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