Sweet Soul Surrender

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Honeybush Rooibos Blend
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  • “So in Canada, the ‘Makers’ chain has opened up across malls, which carries local handmade goods from that region (you apply to be able to sell your goods there). I’ve kept my eye out on them for...” Read full tasting note

From Synergy of Nature

Surrender to this incredible tea, so fragrant, so inticing, so wonderfully relaxing for a sweet escape from the everyday stresses that hold back our creative senses! Be inspired!

An exquisite, luscious aromatic herbal tea blend that will captivate your senses! Delicious and fragrant, rich in antioxidants, it is blended with red rooibos, honeybush, lavender, vanilla bean, star anise, and coconut. It will intice your senses, and relax mind, bodyRead more

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1 Tasting Note

480 tasting notes

So in Canada, the ‘Makers’ chain has opened up across malls, which carries local handmade goods from that region (you apply to be able to sell your goods there). I’ve kept my eye out on them for any home-brew tea companies, and I’ve spotted and purchased from a couple already.

‘Synergy of Nature’ focuses heavily on the health benefits of tisanes, which isn’t my area of interest at all, so I recognize I’m not the intended customer. But turning the tins over and checking the ingredients lists, I found a lot of intriguing flavour-combinations.

This is the second tea I’ve purchased from them, and definitely my favourite so far (though I’ve been eyeing a few others). I need more late-evening tisanes. The combination of spice, lavender, licorice, and vanilla marries very nicely. The rooibos and honeybush in this are a finer cut, giving the tea a nice body. There’s a healthy dose of lavender (or maybe the flowers just floated up to the top of my tin), but it doesn’t overpower the tea, for those who aren’t a fan of strong, soapy lavenders. It’s a good, sweet cinnamon spice and anise, without being chai-y. The lemon balm and coconut aren’t prominent on their own, and I think mostly just adds to the vanilla. Nice woodsy honey flavour, sweet and intoxicating aroma. Spicy florals.

I liked the look of the whole anise stars, but I think breaking them up would have helped with ease of scooping for the customer.

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