Ceremonial Grade Matcha

Tea type
Green Tea
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Average preparation
150 °F / 65 °C

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  • “A small packet of this Matcha came as part of sampler put together for me by Summit. Not for nothing, but I’d never seen Matcha listed as “Ceremonial Grade,” so I set it aside, assuming it was...” Read full tasting note

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1 Tasting Note

49 tasting notes

A small packet of this Matcha came as part of sampler put together for me by Summit. Not for nothing, but I’d never seen Matcha listed as “Ceremonial Grade,” so I set it aside, assuming it was something special.

Every now and then I make myself a little guilty pleasure; a late night almond milk matcha green tea latte. Now mind you, I’ve got some Bird Pick matcha that I use for this, it’s not particularly good and almost always bitter, but mixing it into a latte works. While I was prepping it I got to thinking about this “Ceremonial Grade” Matcha sample I had. On a whim I thought I’d make up a nice little pure cup and see what it was all about.

About 6-8 ozs of 150F H2O and a half teaspoon of tea (sifted through a fine mesh) whisked up to a nice froth. Such a lovely emerald color & fresh, bright, lively clean taste. No bitterness, just pure green goodness. I don’t pretend to be a Matcha connoisseur or anything, but that cup knocked me out.

I must have been way out of the loop, or don’t know any better, but I will be comparing all other Matcha to this from here on out.

150 °F / 65 °C
Mark B 13 years ago

I’m looking at the “similar teas” generated by Steepster. I guess “Ceremonial Grade” is pretty common. I still dig this matcha. It may not be as bright green as some of the others out there, but it sure makes an emerald tea with a bright lively flavor.

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