I got this tea today whilst out shopping with my mother. I’ve been after a nice Darjeeling suitable for everyday drinking and I really have my fingers crossed for this one.
It’s black, brown and golden in colour with finely chopped leaves and a wonderful strong and musky floral scent. It smells lovely :)
Once steeped this tea is brown in colour with a sweet, musky, floral and earthen aroma. I wish they made a Darjeeling perfume, it’s just such a wonderful smell.
Flavour is sweet, malted, wooden, floral, musk and strong. A wonderful array of everything Darjeeling that I look for in a second flush. I tend to prefer the second flush Darjeeling more than first flush primarily because I love black, malty teas the most and some second flush mimic them very well. But on top of those you also have a stronger muscatel flavour and it’s more floral so I feel I have a good treat for my taste buds that in it’s own way is unique.
This has the right balance for me. It becomes sweeter and more floral the more I drink and the muscatel flavour is left in the after taste. It’s so smooth and non astringent, quite light for being such bold flavours. Delicious.
My searching is over. I have found my new everyday second flush Darjeeling and the best news is that it’s locally bought. :)
I also love 2nd flush for pretty much the same reasons :-)