I’m wondering whether age is affecting this one, because I don’t get a lot of flavour from it at all. I haven’t experienced that with other SBTs I’ve drank recently, but I suppose there’s an exception to every rule. I was kind of intrigued by the idea of caramel peanut, but in practice all I’m getting from this is a vague sweetness that could be caramel, or equally just the natural sweetness of the honeybush base. I think it’s at least partly flavouring, since I’m pretty familiar with the flavour of the SBT honeybush now and this has something extra about it. It’s smooth and sweet in the way of caramel, and undeniably pleasant. I don’t get any peanut at all, though. Not a hint of nuttiness. Not even a smidge. It’s a shame, because I think a savoury nutty edge would really bring this one to life, but it is what it is. Possibly it’s my fault for leaving it too long.
Some you win, some you lose, I suppose.