Today’s work SBT, made up as per my usual iced tea/SBT method. This is another of the SBT’s I’ve tried recently that has a favourable flavouring vs. prominence of base ratio. I can tell it’s black tea (and the caffeine is appreciated, obviously), but the flavouring is the main feature and I’m glad of that. Citrus and orange is a no-brainer anyway, but I like that I can taste the individual lemon, orange, and grapefruit elements here. It’s not just one big, generic “citrus” mush. It’s also not too sharp, or too bitter/pithy, and that’s without having added any sugar.
My only complaint with this one is a slight soapy flavour that’s kicking around in the background. It’s ignorable, if i don’t think about it, but once you’ve tasted it it’s hard not to notice it next sip. I didn’t think there was bergamot in this blend, but maybe there is. That’s what it reminds me of most, other than soap, and it’s just a touch jarring for my tastes. Out of place, kinda.
As citrus flavoured black teas go, though, it’s pretty good. Another solid SBT production.