Sonnentor Advent Day 5
No note from Martin? Was this one not in the advent two years ago?
We had a busy day, driving Hugo the Lion Heart back home to Superanna’s house about an hour away and Ashman finishing some repairs there. Back home again and there ironing to do, next week’s lunches to plan and prepare, supper to make. Anyone else feel:tired just from riding in a car?
Now it is nearly bedtime and I am just getting around to my advent tea and it is a really good one for tonight. The name the way it is used in day to day speech basically means “beautiful quitting time” but feier means celebrate and abend means evening. So I can think of it as celebrating just having the evening to relax now.
This is pretty nice! The linden is softened and sweetened a bit by the floral ingredients and honestly I feel relaxed and chill.
These teas do not have the wow factor,so,far that I got from the Cuppageek herbals, but they are still a nice cup to sip on.
It was in, but I did a note in Random Steepings (here: Apparently I was sick back then and that’s why I did not made a separate entry.