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Herbal Tea
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Ginger, Lemongrass, Licorice
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From Sloane Tea Merchants

A warm blend of lemongrass, mint, ginger, and delicious fruits. This tisane is bursting with flavour, and contains chunks of apple, papaya and citrus peel so large you could pick them out and eat them. The warmth of lemongrass, ginseng, liquorice root and other herbs provide balance and body, adding depth to this soothing tisane. Try it with honey when you’re feeling under the weather for a spicy pick-me-up!

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4 Tasting Notes

190 tasting notes

I love ginger, spicier the better. This blend is similar to others I’ve had from other vendors, but I still like it. There’s lots of lemongrass in the dry leaf, and it gives the ginger something strong and bright to play with. There’s also a good dose of licorice that helps soothe a sore throat, and adds and herbal sweetness of its own. I don’t notice anything particularly tropical or fruity about this blend, unlike the tropical ingredients list, but it’s still a solid herbal blend. For ginger lovers, you can’t go wrong with this tea.

Flavors: Ginger, Lemongrass, Licorice

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15267 tasting notes

meh. Another from variaTEA and while ginger makes me happy – licorice root does not since it makes everything all sweet like. I think this has the potential to be a decent blend – minus the licorice root but since thta’s not likely to change, no thanks. Especially if you look at sloane’s pricing. this is one of their cheaper teas and it’s still 17$ for a herbal (100g).

Sami Kelsh

Whyyyyyyy do they put licorice root in everything? Ugh.


i dunno… i can handle it once a year in small doses..but lately it’s everywhere in large quantities


The only time I ever really go for licorice root is when I have a sore throat. I find it really helps!



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16374 tasting notes

Sipdown (115)!

From March’s Amoda subscription box. I ended up not renewing for April (to the people who did; what was in this month’s box?) but I haven’t ruled out renewing for May/future months all together though…

I cold brewed my sample, and I’m gonna humbly admit that I had already convinced myself I wouldn’t like this before even trying it. However, it actually had a much more distinct/unique taste than I would have expected given the ingredients which I find are very commonly paired together for herbal teas.

The initial taste was very robust ginger and honey, and that quickly faded into more of an apple/citrus heavy taste with a ginger/honey backdrop. I did taste the papaya a little bit but is wasn’t as strong as the other fruit flavours. I thought the finish was rather licorice-y with some super sweet honey notes as well, but after looking at the ingredients and refreshing my memory a little bit I know I was tasting a combination of the licorice root and the ginseng in the blend. The mint must be very sparse in the blend, I didn’t taste it at all.

Overall, this was better than I had anticipated for sure – though I didn’t love it. At least it didn’t fall perfectly into the mold of other herbals that utilize a lot of the ingredients here. After a while they start to feel like the same blend with different names. I wouldn’t buy this one to drink casually, but I could see it working well as a “sick tea” – it utilizes all of things that make sick teas work: licorice root/ginseng, lemon, mint (sorta), and ginger…

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6444 tasting notes

So I got this in the Amoda box and I gotta say that all these herbal teas taste the same to me. Honestly. I wish I could tell them apart but I just can’t.

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