Gopaldhara Darjeeling First Flush

Tea type
Black Tea
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Floral, Grass, Green, Peach, Sweet
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Edit tea info Last updated by Nicole
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 30 sec 200 oz / 5914 ml

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From Single Origin Teas

Darjeelings, by their very nature, are defined by choices. The first comes with the picking season, determining whether the tea is a first flush or a second flush. This particular example is a first flush picked from the Gopaldhara tea estate that grows on slopes as high as 7000 ft. One of the larger estates at 172 ha, Gopaldhara was one of the first tea estates to commercially introduce oolongs, white teas, and autumn and frost pickings. Given this, Gopaldhara is leading the Darjeeling tea market into uncharted waters.

Another choice occurs during the preparation of first flush teas. Some estates create a more oxidized version, while others, like Gopaldhara, favor a lighter fermentation, resulting in a greener, more delicate brew. This first flush Darjeeling is flavorful with a mild astringency, boasting traces of mango and other tropical fruits.

This tea is truly unique, and as such does require a special brewing method: it is best to not use boiling water, but rather boiled water that has cooled for about 3-5 minutes. Freshly boiled water will burn the tea leaves!

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5 Tasting Notes

15618 tasting notes

sipdown! but i apparently didn’t add this to the cupboard so it doesn’t really count haha. Another tea from nicole I’m learning to apprecaite dajeelings a little more. I still won’t pick one up over a good black or puerh per say, but i for sure like them more than i used to. This one has a touch of stringency to it but in a way that reminds me of some green teas that i’ve had. It’s got lots of fruity notes to it…similar to peach but not quite. Overall an enjoyable cup! Thanks again Nicole!

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3294 tasting notes

Sipdown # 65, this one also from Sil, who received it from Nicole. Thanks!
Admittedly, I’m not as huge of a fan of Darjeelings as I am of some other teas, & although I enjoy them, I’ve yet to ever find one that I would crave. I might find myself in the mood to drink a Fujian Black, or a Laoshan Green, or a Wuyi Oolong, but I kind of doubt that I’ll ever find myself in the mood to drink a Darjeeling, especially the ones that look fairly green to me. Nonetheless, this wasn’t a bad cup by any means, kind of light & fruity.

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790 tasting notes

This is very reminiscent of a green tea in a lot of ways. The leaves are very, very green and the liquid is light golden. It is very light, very mildly astringent and fruity. I don’t often drink first flushes so I don’t have a lot of points of comparison but this is nice.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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50 tasting notes

very close to a green tea… hints of peach.

Flavors: Floral, Grass, Green, Peach, Sweet

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 200 OZ / 5914 ML

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84 tasting notes

I went to the orthopedist this morning for my shoulder and the first thing out of his mouth was, “well we could do surgery” EEEEEKKK luckily he followed it up by saying he’d prefer to do PT and cortisone shots along with NSAIDs for now. Me too!

But now I hurt from his poking prodding and manipulating. Normally I’d go for a standard comfort tea but my shame at seeing the number of samples sitting in my cupboard unreviewed overtook me and luckily this was a nice choice for something light.

Now onto the tea—Fruity! Peachy and light. Very green tasting. My first Darjeeling in a very long time. I’ve forgotten what they tasted like so I don’t know what to compare it to.

The site said to use boiling water that had cooled for 3-5 minutes. I want to know what temp! I guessed 195 and well it tasted good so that’s something?

ETA held up to a second steep nicely. I had no idea if I should try or not but figured worse case I wasted 6oz of water. Steeped for about 3-3.5 minutes. Lighter flavor but more fruity than grassy this time.

Flavors: Grass, Peach

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 30 sec
Single Origin Teas

Auch sorry! I’ve heard that I need to put more exact brewing instructions from several people. In my head I just see everyone making the tea to their own preferred standards. But now that I think about it I should definitely put up some better guidelines for people to go off of.

Sounds like if you got the peachy taste you made it right! I would probably use water temperature anywhere from 185-210 (boiling). Its technically supposed to be a black tea, but it underwent such a light oxidation that when I drink it I treated it more like an oolong.


Yeah, I’ve just been guessing on the SOT ones. I think suggestions are a good idea for people who don’t know where to start, but then people can play around from there.

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