Pu'erh Tahiti

Tea type
Fruit Pu'erh Blend
Apple Pieces, Dried Coconut, Mango, Marigold Flowers, Natural Coconut Flavor, Papaya, Pu Erh Tea
Coconut, Earth, Mango, Tropical
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by TeaterTotter
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 15 sec 10 oz / 295 ml

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11 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I loved this tea back when I first bought it, so I stupidly hoarded it. Now a lot of the tropical flavor has faded, which makes me super tea-sad. To rescue it, I had to add a bit of rock sugar,...” Read full tasting note
  • “This must be an old sample. The coconut has that old soapy taste like coconut gets when it goes stale. I’m getting a combo of that and perfume. The aftertaste is very patchouli like… earthy...” Read full tasting note
  • “Backlog: I am excited about the changes that Simple Loose Leaf is making to it’s format. Then again, I’ve always enjoyed this company. I hope that these changes are something that works well for...” Read full tasting note
  • “Backlog from last night. I tried this tea yesterday as part of my Sunday Tea and Books series. When I got this as part of my June subscription box, I got two large envelopes – so much that I...” Read full tasting note

From Simple Loose Leaf

Decadent coconut, the fruity mystique of papaya and the soft earthiness of pu’er come together for an exotic experience not unlike a walk on the black sand beaches of its namesake. Tropical fruit notes and hints of mineral evoke thoughts of Pacific breezes and rain forest hikes.

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11 Tasting Notes

1308 tasting notes

I loved this tea back when I first bought it, so I stupidly hoarded it. Now a lot of the tropical flavor has faded, which makes me super tea-sad. To rescue it, I had to add a bit of rock sugar, refrigerate, and then mix with an equal amount of seltzer. The result is actually a pretty tasty tea soda. The tropical flavors are still pretty muted and there’s more earthiness than I generally like, but it’s quite refreshing.

Christina / BooksandTea

Ooh, that reminds me I have some of this from last year that I need to finish off. I’ll see about icing it.

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1780 tasting notes

This must be an old sample. The coconut has that old soapy taste like coconut gets when it goes stale. I’m getting a combo of that and perfume. The aftertaste is very patchouli like… earthy perfume. I’m not digging it, but I’d give it another go with a fresh sample if I came across it.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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4843 tasting notes


I am excited about the changes that Simple Loose Leaf is making to it’s format. Then again, I’ve always enjoyed this company. I hope that these changes are something that works well for them.

Here’s my full-length review of this tea: http://sororiteasisters.com/2014/07/03/pu-erh-tahiti-blend-from-simple-loose-leaf/

I’m not always excited to try pu-erh teas. It’s a thing … that goes back to my earliest experiences with pu-erh teas that were not exactly “positive.” Since then, I’ve learned a lot about the best ways (for my palate) to brew pu-erh and I’ve learned to appreciate them and even actually like more of them than I’ve disliked. But there’s still that … memory of the bad. You know?

Anyway … if this had been the first pu-erh I tried, I think that I would have fallen in love with Pu-erh at first sip. This has a really lovely tropical flavor to it. Earthy, sweet, juicy, tropical. Lovely! Notes of mango, papaya and coconut.

Really tasty!

The Cookie Lady

I think I’ll have to try this since my earliest experience has thus far been my only experience because it was, as you say, not exactly “positive.”


How have you been steeping your pu-erh? I find that the way it’s steeped is the single biggest factor in pu-erh enjoyment.

The Cookie Lady

Well, to be honest, I had a bagged Emperor’s Pu-erh from Numi. Maybe that was where I went wrong…. I’ve also never had anything smokey and didn’t realize that a pu-erh might be smokey. So, I think it might have also been a case of not knowing what the heck I was getting into and then being totally thrown off. It’s something I really want to try again.


I can’t recall having a pu-erh that is smoky. It’s more earthy than smoky. That doesn’t mean that I haven’t had a pu-erh that is smoky … one just doesn’t come to mind immediately. You should definitely seek out a good (loose leaf or caked) pu-erh and if you have a gaiwan, that’s the best way to brew it. First do a rinse (15 seconds in hot water, strain the water and discard it) and then start with a 30 – 45 second infusion. The biggest reason that my earliest pu-erh experiences were not exactly positive was because I wasn’t brewing it correctly. Or perhaps I should say that I wasn’t brewing it the way my palate likes it.

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987 tasting notes

Backlog from last night.

I tried this tea yesterday as part of my Sunday Tea and Books series. When I got this as part of my June subscription box, I got two large envelopes – so much that I figured I’d never finish it all and placed one of the two unopened envelopes into the GCTTB3.

How much I regret it now! This makes a great iced tea.

I’m still fairly new to pu’er teas, and new to pu’er blends in particular. This one smelled really interesting to me, as the normally earthy, somewhat damp and leathery scent of the plain leaf was transformed by the addition of the flavoured ingredients. The aroma when I opened the bag of dry leaf was really sweet, smooth, and creamy – almost like peach-flavoured yogurt, or even cheesecake.

Both cold and hot, the flavour of the tea is very true to the scent of the leaf: creamy, fruity, and somewhat tart, like it’s had some sort of dairy added, even though it hasn’t. Underneath it all there’s the earthiness of the pu’er base. I know this is hard to describe, but given the tart, creamy smell of the tea, it feels like this one is playing a little joke on my tastebuds, doing the ol’ switcheroo. Dare I say that the tea is somewhat…puckish?

Well, if you like A Midsummer Nights Dream this tea might suit. The full Sunday Tea and Books post is here: http://christinavasilevski.com/2014/07/sunday-tea-books-puer-tahiti/

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

I really enjoy your tea and books blog posts. :)

Christina / BooksandTea

Aww, thanks! I get the sense that people like the idea, the thought process.

I have a question for you, though (and for any others who also like the ST&B posts): Does this format work for you? Are there any ways I could change things up to make them more sticky/appealing?

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4337 tasting notes

This was a sample with my $1 Simple Loose Leaf trial that I sure appreciated! Between requesting this and trying this one though, I’ve realized I’m not much of a fan since it is exactly the same as an Adagio blend I tried. This isn’t really the pu-erh for someone new to them to try. It might scare possibly pu-erh fans away. I really love pu-erh. The other day I think I realized they might be on the same level of love as black teas! WHAT?!?! How could that be? I guess I’ve been drinking some good ones lately. The flavor of the pu-erh here is a bit on the dusty side to me. Not on the strength a nice pu-erh should be. The leaves are loose, long and twisty which might be why. The fruity flavors with this one are nice with it, because without I think the pu-erh itself would be terrible. But the hints of fruit make it better.

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1271 tasting notes

Of course I had to choose this tea as part of my Simple Loose Leaf Selection club. PU’ER!

Hot, it is mostly ripe pu’er flavored backed with coconut with a light fruity finish – good if you want some pu’er with a tropical twist.

Iced – this is where this tea shines – it’s fruity mango papaya upfront, coconut finish with an interesting earthy background. Kinda similar to drinking a black tea, but more rich and earthy. I’m sure I could serve this to my iced tea friends and they’ll dig it.

Full review on my blog, The Oolong Owl http://oolongowl.com/june-simple-loose-leaf-tea-selection-club/

Christina / BooksandTea

I’m still waiting for my box to show up. I hope it does soon…

Oolong Owl

I got mine last Friday, but I’m also in the US. Hopefully yours arrives soon!

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921 tasting notes

For this tea we have a blend of Pu’erh, Apple, Coconut, Natural Coconut Flavor, Marigold, Mango, and Papaya Flavor. Long ago I had a tropical themed Pu’erh and was not the biggest fan, so lets see how this one compares. The aroma is a blend of mango sweetness, nutty coconut, and a tiny bit of earthy and metallic Pu’erh. The coconut has a bit of that ‘old’ coconut oil aroma, it is not off putting and it is very faint.

The aroma of the wet leaves is very, very sweet. Lots of tropical fruity and coconut. It is very evocative of summer time! The liquid has the coconut nuttiness and the fruity sweetness with a much stronger Pu’erh presence with notes of earthiness.

The taste, oh man, it is so sweet! Very strong notes of mango and papaya. This fades into very strong notes of coconut, and this lastly fades to a mild earthiness at the finish. I certainly enjoyed this one more than my last tropical Pu’erh, it is very sweet (which I like) and tastes like some of my favorite fruits.

For blog and photos: http://ramblingbutterflythoughts.blogspot.com/2014/06/simple-loose-leaf-june-subscription-box_7.html

Flavors: Coconut, Earth, Mango, Tropical

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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1040 tasting notes

This was the sample I chose for the May Simple Loose Leaf box.
This is interesting. Caribbean flavors in a mild pu’erh base. It’s ok. The pu’erh adds a bit of depth to the flavors, but isn’t really prominent. I couldn’t really pick out the individual fruit flavors, but it was fruity, with some coconut.
I will probably choose this for the June box, because there really isn’t much else I’m interested in…


Yeah. I’m picking it as well. For the same reasons.


Yep, not much that I’m interested in. July is even worse for me….

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58 tasting notes

This tea was good but I didn’t find it particularly memorable. It possessed the earthy tones of a classic pu’erh, although quite mild in my opinion. The fruit naturally sweetened the cup but I didn’t get a good sense of the tropical flavors that give this tea the name Pu’erh Tahiti.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1598 tasting notes

I chose this as my sample for next month’s Simple Loose Leaf selections because it sounded interesting, but puerh’s make me a little nervous because when I don’t like them, I really don’t like them. Why not find out for sure?

And now that I’ve had some, I think I’ll select this one after all!
It definitely has that smooth earthy taste you would expect from a puerh, but it’s also bright and tropical! I can taste the creamy coconut, and fruity papaya. It’s not a blend I would have thought of, but it works!

So far I’m off to a good start with my subscription!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I don’t like them either. This note gives me hope that maybe someday I’ll like them too!


I eased into puerhs by trying small samples of flavoured puerhs from DAVIDsTEA like Cinnamon Heart, and when that was acceptable, I ended up ordering a few from Tealux! (Tealux has a lot of interesting flavours and you can buy 1 oz as a minimum for reasonable prices, especially if you hit them during a sale: http://www.tealux.com/flavored_pu_erh_tea). If you wanted to experiment, that’s what I’d recommend. And then once you got used to that earthy taste, you could try some unflavoured ones.


awesome thanks!

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