High Mountain Tie Guan Yin Anxi 2010

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Average preparation
Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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  • “I got in my order from Seven Cups on Friday so will be logging some of those soon I hope, but this Tie Guan Yin is a good one. I followed the directions recommended by SC and did water right off...” Read full tasting note

From Seven Cups

Location: Fujian Province
Tea Bush: Tie Guan Yin Bush
Tea Master: Zhang Shui Quan and Zhang Qing Jian
Harvest Time: April 30th
Picking Standard: one slightly opened leaf with three mature leaves
Brewing vessel: glass cup, gaiwan, glass or porcelain pot, yixing pot
Brewing Guidelines: 1st infusion ½ Tbs per 12 oz 212F for 2 min
Infusions: 5 times

About Seven Cups View company

Seven Cups is an American tea company based in Tucson, Arizona. We source traditional, handmade Chinese teas directly from the growers and tea masters who make them, and we bring those teas back from China to share with people everywhere.

1 Tasting Note

39 tasting notes

I got in my order from Seven Cups on Friday so will be logging some of those soon I hope, but this Tie Guan Yin is a good one. I followed the directions recommended by SC and did water right off the boil for 2 minutes in my Yixing which has a rather large capacity (~16 ounces) so i used a full tablespoon of dry leaves. Boy did the leaf smell good when I opened up the bag (which by the way was a resealable container – a huge plus for me right now in the middle of a tea-buying binge).

The brew is lighter than other TGYs I have tried, but very aromatic. Strongly floral scent like vanilla, mixed with what I think is jasmine and very golden-yellow, clear liquor. Second infusion smells even stronger – I let it steep for 45 seconds more. Same color and seems like even stronger bouquet of flowers smells. Just from my first two steeps I can say this is a winner and a re-order in cupboard. Glad I got the 50 gram bag rather than a sample. Going to stop writing and keep steeping.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec
Frank W. 14 years ago

I only got 3 steeps out of it. I suspect this is because I brew my steeps so long. The first was 2 minutes, second almost 3, and the last was 4 minutes, but the last was noticeably weaker and I took that as my queue to stop.

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