I’m a newbie to brewing and tasting, so take my review with a grain of salt.
I found this Earl Grey to have a much stronger bergamot taste than other Earl Greys I’ve had from Twinings and Republic of Tea. And the Republic of Tea one I had was Earl Greyer, which I assume meant it was supposed to have MORE bergamot. Compared to this, it doesn’t though!
Despite the strong bergamot taste, it wasn’t bad. I usually understeep teas because I hate the bitterness of over-steeping, but this one I steeped a bit longer than usual since I was distracted. I did 3 minutes when I typically try for 2. And it didn’t come out bitter at all which was a huge relief.
But the bergamot is pretty overpowering. I will finish the 2 oz I bought, and then search for an Earl Grey that has less.
Edit: As time goes on, and I try to finish what I have, the bergamot becomes really off-putting due to how overpowering it is. Bleh.
The caffeine kicked in and i complete my first mile of the day in 18 min. with the treadmill set at 2.5 incline. I watched the first part of M:AOS and am continually amazed at the twists and turns in these stories. I am using an ActiveLink monitor from Weight Watchers and am trying to get 4 1/2 to 5 miles a day. I’m doing pretty good but I think I’ll need another hit of caffeine. I walk 3 miles later in the day with my blind friend. We walk on an indoor track so there are no excuses about weather, etc. So I need about 1 -2 miles on the treadmill. I will loose weight, I will loose weight, I will loose weight! Tomorrow is another weigh in! Hmmm, I think I’ll go to one of my favorites, Chocolate Yerba Mate.
What brand vanilla creme stevia do you use?
I use SweetLeaf and NOW Better Stevia drops from a local health food store, Fruitful Yield. They have a whole bunch of flavors. I really like Vanilla and have just recently tried (and like) Chocolate for my Yerba Mate since I haven’t been able to find my favorite Chocolate Yerba Mate.